wife and myself, and became my regular correspondent, whose weekly letters were awaited and read by us both with eagerness.
My eldest sister lived during the time with which I am now concerned, with her husband and her two growing children, in the country, about seven miles from Leamington.
My sister Adele lost her husband not long after her marriage, and settled successively in various places at home and abroad, devoting herself, as already said, to the education of her little girl. She died in 1883.
My second brother, Erasmus, lived for a while on his property at Loxton, in Somersetshire, five miles from Weston-super-Mare, but joined the 2nd Warwickshire Militia during many years, of which he became Major. He is now the only survivor of my six brothers and sisters, and is ninety-three years of age.
I turn from my own family to that of my wife. Her father was Dean of Peterborough, previously Headmaster of Harrow during many years, and before his appointment the Senior Wrangler at Cambridge, in the year in which Copley, the future Lord Lyndhurst, was second. There was no Classical class list in existence in Cambridge in those clays, but the fact of Dr. Butler's election to the Head
111rl4tersllip of IIarrow at ti, vc5ry cj.L.IIy age testifies to
Ilis r(_'l)u.utatiotl as a classical scholar as well as a mathematician. He had been noted for athletic powers, and he much prized a medal awarded to him by the Humane Society for having saved the life of a drowning woman when long past his middle age.