Bay to the interior, of which I had myself travelled as far as Tounobis, and the remaining few days' journey had been travelled during the preceding year by marauding Namaquas.
After staying a week at Tounobis, Amiral wished to return home, and I was not in a position to travel farther afield, because the next stage towards Lake Ngami was described by all as being more severe than the last one, and with my tired oxen it was as much as we could do to get back at all. So I returned, and, ultimately, found myself back on the shores of Walfish Bay on December 5. The wishedfor schooner arrived on January 16, 1852. 1 finally parted with Andersson, Hans, and most of the men, and retaining only three with me for the possibility of a short travel in Portuguese territory, which came to nothing, I sailed to St. Helena, whence I returned straight to England.
I'11is, in n Few words, is ;III mltlinnce of my journey, The distances were (as carefully calculated), Walfish Bay to Station No. 3 (Barmen) 207 miles, Barmen to Nangoro 512 miles, Barmen to Tounobis 311 miles, -total 1030 miles, and nearly as many back ; besides other side expeditions, especially that to Erongo, and another of little interest that has not been alluded to above.
This bald outline of a very eventful journey has
taken little notice of the risks and adventures which
characterised it and are recorded in my book. They
must be imagined by the reader, otherwise the follow
ing paragraph will seem overcharged, which it is not.
I had little conception of the severity of the
anxiety under which I had been living until I found