through their territory from the Cape to Walfish Bay, and back. Mission stations were planted among them, of which the two northernmost, numbered i and 5 on the map, were called Schepmansdorf and Rehoboth respectively. The Kuisip river-bed, clown which water runs only once in every few years, and ends in Walfish Bay, makes a northern limit to the Namaquas, which they were apt to transgress.
The Swakop river-bed, in which water runs every
year after the rains, and which enters the sea some forty miles north of Walfish Bay, is the southern limit of the Damaras. Two mission stations (2 and 3), called Otchimbingue and Barmen respectively, were established on the Swakop. A third, marked 4 on the map, had been established, but destroyed shortly before my arrival by a murderous raid of Namaquas, under Jonker, whose name will be found on the map, and the position of whose home is shown by a