once refractory, but Bob boldly gave the order to the sailors to flog him, and flogged he was by his own crew, and ate the bread of humility.
My excuses for speaking at such length about countries since so familiarly known are that it will help to give some idea of how they struck a touristtraveller in the time of Mehemet Ali, upwards of sixty years ago, and because this little excursion formed one of the principal landmarks of my life. That chance meeting with Arnaud Bey had important afterresults to me by suggesting scientific objects to my future wanderings. I often thought of writing to him in order to bring myself to his remembrance, and to sincerely thank him, but no sufficiently appropriate occasion arose, and it is now too late.
In the winter i goo- i 9o z I visited Egypt again, and, calling at the Geographical Society there, learnt how important and honoured a place Arnaud Bey had occupied in its history. He had died not many months previously, and I looked at his portrait with regret and kindly remembrance. Being asked to communicate a brief memoir to the Society at its approaching meeting, I selected for my subject a comparison between Egypt then and fifty years previously. I took that opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to Arnaud, which posthumous tribute was all I had the power to pay.
During this same visit to Egypt I spent one of the most interesting weeks of my life at Professor Petrie's camp. It was by pure chance that when booking my place to Egypt, in the London office, I found Professor Petrie on some similar errand. He then and there invited me and my niece to join him