were unknown to us. I-le drew a map on a small
piece of paper for us to keep, on which he marked
bits of useful information. At length, after hours
of eating and drinking and talking, we fell wholly
into his plan. The
Sheikh was sent for,
and I shall never
forget his entrance.
The cabin reeked
with the smells of a
recent carouse, when
the door opened and
there stood the tall
Sheikh, marked with
sand on his forehead
that indicated recent
prostration in prayer.
r ^L, ` • • • The pure moonlight
DISH flooded the Bacchanalian cabin, and the
DONOOLA RaER poured in. I felt
BAY DA tiro
swinish in the pre
Mn$50WA purity and imposing
' mien. For all that, we
IF T M sence of his Moslem
soon came to terms,
and were to start the clay after the morrow. The boat was to be sent to Wady Haifa under Bob in chief
contnlal1(1 ti) await otlr 1`0tli`11 there, and we three and
ot1r dike servant; were to travel into the unknown on the backs of beasts strange to our experience. So it all befell.