On returning to Cambridge the old life recommenced, but on an enlarged scale, and more friends were made, among whom were George Denman (1819-1896), afterwards a Judge, and the son of Lord Chief-Justice Denman (1779-1854). He combined classical capacity with power of muscle and endurance, both in a very high degree, for lie was Senior Classic of his year and Stroke Oar of the University crew. He lived a double life, warily looking after his own boat crew, the First Trinity, and joining their rollickings in order to keep them within bounds, but doing hard mental work at other hours. I think he was perhaps the most respected of all the undergraduates. In after years he told me the
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memory. He, Denman, had obtained the prize for Greek verse and had to recite his composition. Macaulay was a guest at Trinity Lodge and heard the recitation. Some years after, when Denman had half forgotten the occurrence and imperfectly recollected what he had then written, he was introduced to Macaulay, who exclaimed at once, " Why, it was you who recited those verses," which he straightway repeated.
Memories so crowd on me that I find it difficult to stop. Something ought to have been said of a singularly attractive man with quaint turns of thought, H. Vaughan Johnson, who lived on the same staircase as myself, and who collaborated in legal work with E. Kay, of whom I have already spoken. He married a sister of my friend, then F. Campbell, afterwards Lord Stratheden and Campbell.
Also I should mention W. F. Gibbs, who became