in later years, justice Sir William Grove), still retain their names. Electrotyping was invented by Smee, and I recall well the humorously pathetic manner in which Daniell explained to his class how the neglect of drawing an obvious inference had prevented him from figuring as its discoverer. He had noticed the marvellous fidelity with which the marks of a file had appeared on a copper sheath electrically thrown down upon it, as the result of some chance experiment, but he had failed to infer that medals and the like might be copied by the same process.
It is needless to go into particulars of my course at King's College. They had much the same result on me in opening the mind that a similar experience must have on every keen medical student, but I do not remember any special characteristic worthy of record. I did pretty well at my studies. My chief competitor was George Johnson, afterwards Sir George (1818-1896), whose thoroughness of work and character I admired. He beat me in physiology, in which I came out second. I think the only prize I ever
of all to myself was in the minor subject of Forensic Medicifne, in which I tltclighted. It had a wart of Sherlock Holmes fascination for me, while the instances given as cautions, showing where the value of too confident medical assertions had been rudely upset by the shrewd cross-questioning of lawyers, confirmed what I was beginning vaguely to perceive, that doctors had the fault, equally with parsons, of being much too positive.
My friend Sir G. Johnson subsequently became the leader of one of the two opposed methods of dealing with cholera. His was the "eliminative"