hood. Its site is now covered with small houses. The two fine larches that flanked it gave me a love for that tree, which persists and is still recognisably associated with its origin.
My six nearest progenitors, namely the two parents and four grandparents, were markedly different in temperament' and tastes, and they have bequeathed very different combinations of them to their descendants. I can only partly touch on these.
My grandfather, Samuel John Galton (x7531832), was a scientific and statistical man of business. He was a Fellow of the provincially famous Lunar Society, whose members met at one another's houses on the day and night of the full moon, and which, though small in numbers, was so select as to include Priestley, Dr. Erasnmus Darwin, Keir the chemist, Withering the Ibut;wkt, WaLtt, and Boulton, Full particulars of the Lunar Society are to be found in Smiles' Life of Boulton, and elsewhere.
I may mention that the late Sir Rowland Hill, of penny-postage fame, told me that the event which first gave him a taste for science was the present of a small electrical machine made to him when a boy, by my grandfather.
Samuel John Galton was very fond of animals. He kept many bloodhounds ; he loved birds, and wrote an unpretentious little book about them in three small volumes, with illustrations. He had a decidedly statistical bent, loving to arrange all kinds of data in parallel lines of corresponding lengths, and frequently using colour for distinction. My father, and others of Samuel John Galton's children, inherited this taste in a greater or less degree ; it rose