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670   Index

Studbooks, little service for inheritance, 11 321

Studdy, Lucy (Francis Galton's niece), assistance of, I viii; Galton visits, IIIA 281, IIIB 569,570; stays with Galton IIIB 583, 596; letter to, from Galton, IIIB 452; wins prizes for cats, .IIIB 515, and for needlecraft, IIIB 599; leaves relics of Erasmus Darwin to Galton Laboratory, IUD 571

Subconscious Mind, 11 236, 247, 307; inspiration a product of, II 412

Success, as measure of ability, IIIA 111, 112; of kinsmen

of Fellows of Roy. Soc., IIIA 108

Sully, Prof. J., and tests on idiots, 11 272

Sun Signals, Galton's, 11 20-21. See also Heliostat Sundial, Galton writes motto for, IIIB 547; form of, in

Pyrenees, IIIB 573

Superman, reasoned method of producing, 11 78, 79, 86 Superposition of Images, methods of attaining, II 284, 285,287-289

Superstition, as a source of national or tribal strength, IIIA 88, 423-425, IIIB 594; as opposed to facts, 11260

Surgical Operations, Galton studies at King's College, London, 1121

Survival, of fittest, Galton on, 11 110; of a breed menaced by regression, not a reality, IIIA 94

Sutherland, Alexander, his book on `The Origin and Growth of Moral Instinct,' reviewed by Galton, IIIA 100

Sven Hedin's arrival at Simla, IIIB 588

Sweet-Peas, Galton's experiments with, II 180, 181,187, 189; IIIA 3-7, 11, 13; inheritance of size in seeds of, II 392; cross or self-fertilisation of, IIIA 325, 326; conclusions from experiments on, IIIA 64

Switzerland, Galton's knapsack guide to, II 11; his visits to, 11144, IIIB 514; Eugenics in, 11 267

Sylvester, J. J., size of head and stature of, 11 150; large head of, MA 248

Symbolism, in science, IIIA 330, 333, 336

Symmetry, of the two sides of the body, II 377, 379;

tendency to, in finger-prints, IIIB 485; attempt to

show normal, in finger-print distributions, IIIA 168 Syria, Galton's travels in, I 197, 198, 203-205, 207,

IIIB 454-455; sketchbook in, IIIB 454 Plate XLV

Tables, showing mathematical tripos marks and number of candidates, II 89; `eminence' in fathers and sons, II 105, 106; size of family in rural and urban populations, 11 124; occurrence of twins among relations of twins, 1 1129; size of head and stature in scientists and others, 11 150; sensitivity in hearing of men and women, II 221; of associated ideas and period of life at which they originated, II 235; estimate of dressed weight of living oxen, 11 403; assortative mating in stature, IIIA 17; correlation, for stature and cubit, IIIA 52; colour inheritance in horses, IIIA 96; concerning finger-prints, IIIA 184-186, 189, 192, 195, 211

Taboo, influence of, on conduct, MA 270

Tabor, proposes use of finger-prints for registration of Chinese, MA 175

'Tactor' Machine, diagram of, 11 50

Tailoring, effect of, on finger-prints, IIIA 155

Talents, inheritance of, 11 75-79; and characteristics of

Darwin and Huxley, 11178, 179; new version of the

parable of the, IIIA 227-229

Tanganyika, Lake, discovery of, 11 25 Tangier, Galton at, IIIB 509, 510

Taylor, Henry, his couplet on advantages of unattractive

ness, IIIA 112

Taylor, H. M., proposal of, for the blind, IIIB 584 Taylor, Sedley, and Eugenics, IIIA 378

Tchapupa, and his wife from Damaraland, sketches of,

1216 Plate LVII

Tea, experiments on the making of, IIIB 456-458 Teachers, replies of, to questions, IIIB 478; Guild of,

Galton attends a meeting of, 11 276

Teaching, on effect of, 11 135; men of science not made

by, 155; by association with form, IIIB 472 Technical Terms, in scientific memoirs, IIIA 334, 336,337 Teeth, and personal identification, IIIA 188; anecdote

of missing artificial, believed to bee swallowed,

IIIB 492, 493

Teetotalism, Galton takes the pledge, 1183-185, 191 Telegony, Darwin's belief in, II 159; co-operation re

garding observations on, IIIA 135

Telegraph, a printing (the `telotype'), designed by

Galton, 1212, 213

Telephone, Galton's anticipation of, 1213, 214 Telescope, superposition by aid of, 11284, 285, 287 Telotype, 1212, 213, 217

Temper, measurement of, II 270-272; categories of,

11271; inheritance of, 11271, 272, IIIA 70; assortative

mating in, 11271, IIIA 70; good and bad in English

families, 11271, IIIA 69

Temperament, measurementt of, 11268, 269; correlation

of, with mental qualities, 11229; in husband and wife,

1 11149

Temperature, cumulative, effect of, on vegetation,

11206-208; charts of, II 41

`Temple of Nature,' Dr Erasmus Darwin's, 11 95 Tennyson, Alfred, and observation of emotional change,

11 270; imagination of, 1 1308; Galton's appreciation

of, IIIA 337, 338

Terror, Galton on nature of, 11258

Theocratic Intervention, possible effect of, on statistical

conclusions, 11 258-260

Theologians, and Galton's work, 11 258

Theory, verification of statistical, by experiment, 11 405 Thermometers, standardisation of, 11 59

Thompson, G., uses finger-prints to sign money drafts,

IIIA 175, 176

Thomson, Arthur, composite cranial photographs by,


Thomson, Prof. Arthur, Galton gives his anthropometric

instruments to, IIIA 328

Thomson, J. Arthur, his book on Heredity, IIIA 335 Thomson, Sir W.; -aids 'The Reader' and 'Nature,' 11 68,

69; at exhibition of scientific instruments, 11 215 Thought, Galton's categories of, II 233; abstract, and

mental imagery, II 237; mechanism of, II 256;

without words, 11274, 275

Thrills, associated with roughness of surface touched

by finger-tips, IIIA 179

Thring, Lord, on the ablest Cabinet Ministers, IIIB 568 Tichborne Trial, and need for anthropometric measure

ments, 11 398

Tickner, Life of, 11 192

Tides, big, and the earth's history, IIIB 470 Tiedemann, Galton sees, in Heidelberg, 195 Time, sense of, not absolute, IIIA 354, 355

Tint, average, of, a picture, method of obtaining a

measure of, IIIA 307, 308; instrument for testing

perception of difference in, 11 219

Tints, Galton's scale of, 11313, 314, 11 314 Plate XLV;

photograph of spinning wheel of, 11 313

Titchener, E. B., finds no relation between sensitivity

and ridge interval of finger-prints, IIIA 168, 178 Tocher, Dr J. F., anthropometric survey of, 11 380 Todd, Dr, 1179, 190; Galton studies physiology under,


T6nnesen, photographs Lake Otohikoto, IIIB 616

Plate LIX

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