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Otchikoto Lake, Galton's name on rock by side of, IIIB 617, PlateLIX [In°Tropical SouthAfrica,' 1st ed. this lake on pp. 200 and 238 is termed ' Otchikoto.' Galton was there the second time on June 25, 1851; in his sketch of that date (see 1216 Plate LVII) it is termed'Omutchi.kota'; the modern Staff map gives no aid]

Ovahereros, atrocities of the, 1236

Ovampo (Karupi), a sketch of, by Galton, I 216 Plate LVII

Ovampo8, The, Galton crowns the king of, 1233, 235, 237 Plate LIX; country and welfare of, 1233, 235, 236; fowls of, 1233; subsequent difficulties of, 1240

Overwork, of Galton, 1101-103, 108, 146, 154, 166-172, 194; of Cambridge students, _I 171, 194; victims of, 11 278

Oxen, on African journey, I 222-226, 231-236, 239, 1237 Plate LIX

Oxford Philosophical Club, Karl Pearson lectures to the, MA 315

Oxford University, and Weldon memorial, IIIA 286, 287;

anthropometric laboratory for students of, IIIA 328;

honours Galton, IIIB 493, 494

Owen, B., size of head and stature of, 11 150; asks for

specimens from Africa, 1216

Paestum, Galton sees ruins at, IIIB 475

Paget, Sir J., singular case of, II 163; analyses the

successes of his pupils, IIIA 62, 63; advises Mrs

Galton, IIIB 464

Pain, sensitivity to, in criminals, II 408; relation of degree felt to force of blow, 11 408; measurement of unit of, 11 408

Paine, Thomas, and metal bridges, IIIA 148

Painters, fertility of, 1196, 99; Galton on, 1199 'Pairs of Things,' Arab view of, IIIB 535

Palaeolithic Man, and domestication, 1171; drawings of,

and mental imagery, 1 1240

Palmer, A., honour conferred on, RIB 494 Palmer, Winifred, finger-prints of, IIIB 498, 499

Pangenesis, adopted by Galton, II 113; experiments on,

II 156-177, 181-183, IIIA 129; rejected by Galton,

II 163, 164, 182-184; letters of Darwin and Galton

to 'Nature' on, II 163, 164; danger of theory of,

II 173

Panmixia, Galton on observations regarding, IIIA 135 Pantagraph, double, Galton designs, 1142, 45-47 Pantheism, of Galton, 11117,119 Paper, modern, good and bad, IIIB 575

Parentage, Galton on, II 110; and marriage, II 134;

and mating, instincts of, IIIA 218; in complex

organisations, 11182, 185; sex prepotency in, IIIA 17,

18; exceptional, and regression, IIIA 32; of able men,


Parental Difference, effect of, on offspring, MA 275

Parents, and offspring, resemblance of, 11169, 170, 185, 186, IIIA 2-4, 17-19, 229, 242; relationship of, 11 172174; finger-prints of, IIIA 192; latent elements in, 11170, etc. ; age of, and fertility, 11408-410; age of, and vigour of offspring, II 348, 349; modern youth and, 11257; and training of children, 11 127

Paris, Galton's holiday visit to, 1118, 119, 147

Parker, Gilbert, novel of, IIIB 555

Parker, Sir H., Galton meets in Cape Town, I 219; yachting with, 1241

Parker, Lord, of Waddington, in the Temple, IIIA 302; ' Biometrika' and, IIIA 250; to meet Galton, IIIA 326, 327

Parker, The Misses, natural daughters of Erasmus Darwin, 118 Plate X, 117, IIIB 462

Parkes, Dr E. A., on medical hygiene, IIIB 593, 594

Parkyns, Mansfield, Galton meets at Khartoum, 1201, 202

Parry, Major, Galton on the Danube with, 1133, 134

Parthenogenesis, observations regarding, MA 135

Partridge, Prof. R., Galton in the house of, I 105, 106, 113, IIIB 565; Galton studies anatomy under, 1105; diagnoses a carbuncle on Galton, 1108

Passports, Galton's early, 193, 114

Patency, and latency, 11172, 173

Paternity, finger-prints in determination of, 11 307

Pathological States, inheritance of, II 80; resemblance of, in twins, 1 1127

Patronage of landowners might aid' Eugenics, MA 234

Pau, Galton at, MB 551-553

Paupers, marriage restrictions about, IIIA 268

Pearl, R., work of, IIIA 103, 279, 283, 297, 383; post held by, IIIA 381

Pearson, E. S., assistance of, II vii, 31.1

Pearson, Prof. H. H. W., on Galton's name on rock at lake in Ovampoland, I 216 Plate LVII; hears of Galton in Rehoboth, 1223. See also Otchikoto Lake

Pearson, Karl, some personal recollections of Galton, IIIA 239, 262, 432-436; correspondence of, with Galton, see Galton, Francis, correspondence of; views on Galton's School, IIIA 57; Eugenic Record Office and, IIIA 296-299, 303, 304; early plans of, for the Galton Laboratory, IIIA 304-306; directs the Galton Laboratory, IIIA 299-302, 304, 322, 332, 333, etc.; Fellowship in National Eugenics and, IIIA 222, 223, 300, 301, etc.; higher mathematics in statistical work of, IIIA 249, 301, 302; on Committee for Measurement of Plants and Animals (Evolution Committee), IIIA 126, 127, 128, 286-291, IIIB 501; resigns from Evolution Committee, IIIA 291; farm for experimental breeding, IIIA 134, 135, 251, 287; fellowship of Royal Society of, IIIA 282, 283; University of London and, IIIA 289, 290; Weldon memorial and, MA 281-287, 291, 297, 301; Chairman at Galton's lecture to the Sociological Society, IIIA 261, 262; Boyle lecture of, IIIA 309, 314, 315; lectures to Oxford Philosophical Club, MA 315; Darwin Medal awarded to, MB 505; 'Chances of Death' by, received by Galton, IIIB 502; death and characteristics of Father of, MA 327, 328; last visit of, to Galton, MA 432; portrait of, with Galton, IIIA 353 Plate XXXVI. See also under 'Biometrika'

Pearson, M. V., assistance of, IIIA Viii

Pedigree, showing direct ancestors of Galton,. I 10; of immediate ancestry and collaterals of Galton, Plate A in pocket of Vol. I showing connections of Barclays with noteworthy ancestors, Plate B in pocket of Vol. I; showing relationships of Freames, Barclays and Galtons, Plate C in pocket of Vol. I; of Abrahams, Farmers and Galtons, Plate D in pocket of Vol. I; showing connection of Charles Darwin with noteworthy ancestors, Plate E in pocket of Vol. I, and Plate F in pocket of Vol. IIIA; of Darwins and Wedgwoods, MA 313, 314; of Darwin ancestry, 1244-246; of polydactyly and twinning, II 129; of multiple births, II 129; of criminality (the 'Jukes'), 11 231

Pedigrees, indexing of, IIIA 103-105; classification in, IIIA 343, 344; schedule for use in collecting, MA 105, 106; difficulties in working out, 19; of able families, MA 343-345, 356

Pedigree Stock, collection of records of, II 321-323;
of moths, Galton's circular regarding, IIIA 45,46

Pedler, Sir A., on use of finger-prints in India, MA 153

Peek, A. E., and Dr Faulds' letter on finger-prints, MA 143

Peerages, extinction of, 11 95, 96, 341, 343

Pekingese, and Pommeranians, cross-breeding of, 1 1232

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