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Index   659

Meteor, seen by Galton, IIIB 579, 580 `Meteorographica,' work by Galton, II 38, 40-43, 11 38 Plate VII

Meteorological, data, appeal for, 11 37; predictions,

IIIB 475, 481; instructions for travellers, 11 44 Meteorological Council, 11 43, 44, 56, 57

Meteorologists, need for co-operation among, II 38, 39;

biometry and, IIIA 282, 283

Meteorology, and Galton, II 7, 13, 35-49, 53-62; on

how to measure data regarding, IIIB 466-468,471-473 Methuen, asks Galton for an autobiography, IIIA 329,

MB 585; considers 'Kantsaywhere,' M B 615 Meyer, Dr, Galton travels to Frankfort with, 1132 Meyrick, on experiments at Marlborough, II 396

Mice, experiments and work on, 11 139, 140, M A 251,

315, IIIB 542

Middle Classes, lower, Galton on, IIIA 252

Middleton, 'Biographia Evangelica' of, 11 100-102 Middleton, J. H., honour conferred on, IIIB 494 Midparent, Galton's definition of, MA 8, 15

Mill, John Stuart, definition of `religion' of, IIIA 89, 90,


Millais, Sir E., Reports on Basset hounds of, IIIA 40 Miller, W. A., works in Liebig's laboratory, 1126, 130;

his advice to Galton, I 129; chemical investigations

of, I 130

Mimetic Insects, and natural selection, IIIA 122, 123 Mimicry, argument from, IIIA 370

Mind, and body, exercise and fatigue of, IIIB 478, 479;

over-concentration of the, 11 241; of others, as a field

for exploration, 11 243

Ministers, Welsh, composite portrait of, II 288 Plate XXXIII

Minto, Lord, on permanence of individuality, IIIA 279 Minutiae, of finger-prints, IIIA 181, 183; definition of,

IIIA 178; persistence of, IIIA 181, 195, 196; re

semblance of, in twins, IIIA 191. See also under


Misery, and fertility, IIIA 218

Missionary Enterprise, II 32

Models, geographical, II 33, 34, II 33 Plate IV; to

illustrate action of Weber's Law, 11 307 Mohammedanism, Galton's interest in, and respect for,

I 207, IIIB 449; and missionary enterprise, II 32;

Bosworth Smith on, 1207. See also Moslems Moilliet, Grace, writes to Galton, IIIB 579

Moilliet, J. K., brother-in-law to Galton, IIIB 473;

death of, IIIB 580

Moilliet, Lucy, sister to Galton, visits to, at Selby Hall,

I 155; messages to, IIIB 453

Monkeys, Galion's pets in Egypt and Syria, 1202, 203 Monogamy, from the eugenic standpoint, IIIA 86 Mont Blanc district, model of, 1134 Montford, bust of Darwin by, IIIA 374

Monumental Tablet, to Erasmus Darwin in Lichfield

Cathedral, 11 204 Plate XX

Moral Character, source of, II 72, 73; inheritance of,

11 72, 75, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, 89; and natural selection,


Moral Lapses, and piety, 11 102

Morality, relative nature of, IIIA 263

Morals, and the legal profession, II 95; and the Greeks,

11 108

Morley, John, quotation from, IIIB 441; anecdote of,

and Lord Rosebery, IIIB 615

Mosaic Code, and Eugenics, IIIA 223, 224 Mosaics, as colour standards, IIIB 474 Moslems, civilising effect of, 11 28, 258 Motherhood, endowment of, and Eugenics, 11 134 Mothers, of scientists, II 96, 97, 102; of divines, 11102;

transmission of talent by, 11 76, 77; mental influence

on, MA 135; and mothers' ancestry, influence of, IIIA 102; fathers and offspring, finger-prints of, IIIA 192

Moths, breeding experiments with, IIIA 40, 45-47, 49, MB 484

Motives, valuation of, 11 351; material and immaterial, IIIA 270, 271; and temptations, changing character of, IIIB 492

Mott, F. W., on segregation of defective children, IIIA 268; on internal pigment, IIIA 372; material of, IIIA 298

Mount Carmel, Galton's experiences at, 1204

Mountaineering, and Galton, 11 6 Mozart, extraordinary powers of, IIIB 500

Mltgge, paper of, IIIB 600

Mulattoes and Mendelism, IIIA 370

Mules, on Galton's African journey, 1222-225

Mit ter, Prof. Max, on thought without words, II 274,

275; Prof. Sayce and, IIIB 517

Mungo Park, and African memorial, 11 25 Munro, R., and Kew Observatory, 11 59

Murchison, Sir R., and Galton, II 61; on Committee

of Brit. Assoc., IIIB 458

Murie, and experiments on pangenesis, 11 159

Murray, travels of, in Africa, 1214 Murray, Prof. Gilbert, on religion of Pagan Greeks,

IIIA 272

Murray, John, and publication of eugenic matter, IIIA

277, IIIP 544,545; dines with Galton, IIIB 530; advice

of, to writers, IIIB 564

Muscle, hereditary character of, 11 104

Muscular, power and training, 11 91; co-ordination,

measure of, 11358, 359; sense, testing of, 11217, 218 Musical Box, facility in identifying perforated discs of,

IIIB 505

Musical Sense, lack of, in Galton, IIIB 441, 448 Musicians, fertility of, 1196

Mutations, and origin of species, II 84; evolution by,

IIIA 31, 32. See also Sports

Mutiny, among men on Galton's African journey, 1223


Muybridge, his photographs of the horse in motion,

11 399

Myners, Miss, Galton's interest in, IIIB 453 Mytton, Jack, extravagant exploits of, 1211

Nail Mark, on Chinese coin, IIIA 174

Namaquas, behaviour of the, 1224-227, 229, 230, 232,

233, 235; Galton calls on, and gives laws to Jonker, the

captain of the, I 226; and rewards him for keeping

the peace, 1235

Name, change of, and loss of hereditary record, IIIA 119 Nangoro, African chief, crowned by Galton, 1233, 235;

death of, I 240; sketch of, I 59 Plate XXXVIII,

1237 Plate LIX

Napoleon, composite portrait of, 11 295, II 296 Plate

XLIV; on undesirability of mental imagery in com

manders, 11 253

Naqada Crania, measurements of, IIIA 247

Nash, Mrs Vaughan, gift of, to the Galton Laboratory, . of Florence Nightingale's copies of Quetelet, 11 414 Nasmyth, and picture of a meteor, IIIB 579 National Eras of Progress, Galton on, 11254, 255 National Physical Laboratory, Galton on deputation

regarding, IIIA 248

Nations, modern, nature of, 11 118; influences affecting

natural ability of, 11 109-115

Natural Ability, among kinsfolk of scientific men, 16 Natural Children, of Erasmus Darwin, 118, 19; of Col.

E. S. Pole, 119

Natural Equality, 161, 11 90-92, 121, 122


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