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Controversies;pe nding, ~A 326

Controversy, Galton's attitude regarding, II 27, 131,

7IIA l,,,,97 00, 404, 407, IIIB 590, 601 Convicts, freed, MB 549

Conway, Moncure D., letter of, to Galton on death of Darwin, MB 471

Conway, W. M., in the Inner Temple, MA 302

Cookes, Denham, travelling companionship of, 1199 Cooper, with Galton on reading party, I 155, 159; at

Cambridge, 1164

Co-operation, in scheme for work on heredity, etc., IIIA 135

Coordinates of point in space, Galton's photographic determination of, 11318, 319, Diagram vii, Figs. 1-5

Copley Medal, conferred on Galton, IIIA 400, 431, 432, IIIB 611, 614, 615; other Copley medallists, IIIA 431, IIIB 614

Copts, profiles of, 11324

Corporal Punishment, Galton on, II 408

Correlation, and the application of statistics to the problems of heredity, IIIA 1-137. Galton approaching the idea of,1155,383, 384; first use of word by Galton, 11-150;' Galton reaches conception of, II 392, 393, IIIA 1, 2, 50; definition of, IIIA 50; of grades and ranks, II 393, MA 3; early methods of measuring, 11301; Galton's measure of, IIIA 50-56; coefficient of, MA 5, 9, 48; regression and variability, 11 384, IIIA 3-5; multiple, IIIA 47, 55; multiple, and prediction of character of individual from study of kinsfolk, MA 27; and regression for pairs of brothers, IIIA 25; of factors of character, 1 11. between characters _of Bertillon's system, II 383; of fingerprints in right and left hands, IIIA 255, 256; of finger-prints on different fingers, IIIA 140, 161; of physical characters, II 390, 398; of eugenic qualities, IIIA 273; between physical and mental characters, II 301; between moral and physical sensitivity, 11 408; between pain felt and force of blow, 11 408; parental and fraternal, MA 329; of stellar characters, IIIA 326; first examples of, in characters of organisms other than man, IIIB 483, 484; Mendelian hypothesis and, IIIA 378; table, elliptic contours of, IIIA 13, 14; earliest for inheritance, IIIA 64; for stature and cubit, IIIA 52

Correlational Calculus, foundations of, 11380; Galton and the, 11357, 377, 378, 383; first stages in development of, IIIA 5, 6; scope of, 11383; psychology and, 11213; factorial genetics and, IIIA 3, 5.. See also Correlation

Correlation, and their measurement, IIIA 50-57

Corrie, Mr, death of, IIIB 452

Cotton, Sir H., and finger-prints, IIIB 590

Country Life and Sir Francis S. Darwin, 123

Court, Mrs A', lends donkey chair to Galton, MB 589

Courtney, Mrs L., Galton meets, IIIB 1131

Courvoisier, Galton sees him hanged, 1126

Cousins, omission of, from Galton's records, II 363; marriage of, 11 188, IIIB 470; resemblance of, IIIA 310, 322, 328, 329, 333, 334; in a double degree, MA 241

Cox, Sergeant, and spiritualism, 1163, 64

Crackanthorpe, M., and Eugenics Education Soc., IIIA 339, 345, 346; attacks Galton Laboratory, IIIA 405-408, 427-429, IIIB 586; paper of, IIIA 303,322; on the feeble-minded, IIIA 343; on the sight of hawks, MA 380; visits Galton, IIIA 429

Cranial Composites, II 288, 290, 294, 11 288 Plate XXXIII

Craniometry, debt of, to Galton, 11334, MA 256, 257 Crawley, A. C., on Anthropology and Eugenics, IIIA 268 Cray, fish, concerning, IIIB 549 Creative Mind, a peculiarity of the, II 412

Creeds, founders of, MA 217; and nations, IIIB 594 . Creighton, • Bishop Mandell, honour bestowed on,

MB 494

Cremation, concerning, MA 375 Cremorne, Viscountess, ancestry of, 132 Creskeld Hall, Darwin portraits at, 1243 Crewdson-Benington, Dr, work and death of, MA 425 Crichton-Browne, Sir J., and Eugenics Education

Society, MA 335, 339; material from, IIIA 356;

Galton on, MB 587

Crime, effect of education on, 1 1417 Crimean war, and Galton, 11 13, 14, 18

Criminal Anthropology, III 286,293; Macdonell on,

IIIA 247

Criminal Class, perpetuated by heredity, 11231 Criminals, identification of, 11326, 383, IIIA 55, 140

142, 144, 146-155, 176, 177, 195, 199, 249; errors in

identification of, MA 153, 154, 249; from composite

photographs, II 230, 231, 286, 293, 295, II 286

Plates XXVIII, XXIX; characteristics of, II 230;

classification of, II 230; sensitivity to pain in,


Criticism, Galton's attitude towards, IIIA 397-400, 408,

409, MB 550, 601; of Galton's work, 11249, 250, 258,

261; value of, MA 318; Galton welcomes from his

friends, IIIB 586

Crookes, Sir W., and spiritualism, II 62-66, •167;

radiometer of, II 63; a Copley medallist, IIIA 431,..

IIIB 614; golden wedding of, MB 568 Croom.Robertson, G., and Galton, 11 212; and measure

ment of sensation, 11362; appreciation of, IIIA 355,

IIIB 493

Cubit, and stature, IIIA 51, 52; statistics of, IIIA 54 Cuckoo, Galton on the, 11 191; and foster parents,

H 127; nature and nurture and the, 11258; eggs of,

MA 247

Cunliffe, Evelyn, daughter of Sir Douglas Galton,

11111 506, 549

Cunningham, Prof., and anthropometry, II 379, 380 Currents, of North Sea, experiments on, IIIB 579

Curve of Errors, used by Galton, II 90. See also

Normal Curve

Customs, acceptance of, IIIA.217

Customs Officer, Austrian, Galton describes, 196 Cuvier, and correlation, IIIA 2

Cyclones, Dove's work on, II 39; and anticyclones,

11 39-41

Daily Telegraph,' Galton visits office of, IIIB 574 Dakyns, H. G., to revise MS. of 'Kantsaywhere,'

IIIB 612; writes to Galton, IIIB 615

Dalby, Sir W., and Galton's whistle, II 216; meets

Galton, IIIB 509

`Dalhousie,' Galton's ship to Africa, 1217, 11 54 Dallmeyer, assistance of, 11 313

Dalyell, at Cambridge, I 153, 164; at meeting of the

Caseo-Tostic Club, 1181 Plate LIV; friend of Galton,


Damaraland, Galton proposes to cross, 1215, 217. See

also Travels, African

Damaras, Galton's protection of the, 1226-230 Dance, use of profiles of, 11323, 326, 328, IIIB 578 Daniell, Galton studies chemistry under, 1105, 109, 126,


Dante, Boccaccio's account of, 1199

Danube, Galton travels down the, 1133, 134, 136 Darbishire, on influence of ancestry, IIIA 378 Darmstadt, Galton visits museum at, 195

Darwin family, history of, I viii; pedigree of, IIIA 343,

345. See also Pedigrees of distinguished ancestors

of, in pockets to Vols. I and MA .


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