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I'lt,tr .1'LII

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1tIU'. \I)~,_\L1. ( III Ii( 11.
Frwo a   ketch.   ']'Ili, ( hurch croiLriu- the t"unh" of I:ri•nim Il;,r~%in ruin Iii. ~cirlnu (I-:Iizahr•tii ( iillic•r(
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I'llrrlla~~•11 L~ I:rn-mii~ I(:irnin the lnfterAnrr~l~ ocei[ llie( l In I-:r,'mn•   );[1-%% ill the El (h-r. nail later
Irt Iii- iciiLnc.   From :i v%atcr-colour -I:ctrh at (1mrrrlon.

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