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OCR Rendition - approximate

REPORT OF THE ANTI!IIOPOJIElRIC COIIIIITTEE. :365 Tma,E IV.-Showing the Number of Adult Males of the Ages above 25 and under 55 years for each group of counties possessing the same Av17uAoE STATURE, and the ratio per 1,000. From the Census returns of 1881. Ohserved Adult mile Per average stature population without shoes in Counties of the United Kingdom age 25- 55 I,ooo inches 'Kirkcudbriglit,, Ayr, Wigtcnr; Edin-' Y(,;Il.s 22.2 69,1 and0 upwards Inn•gli, Iinlithgow, Iiaddington, 125,10:3 ti9 to ti ) ~ 167,!)1 1 :10.0 Ilc r w icksh i n n Suther I r.nd, Ross and Cromart} Skye, Perth Stirling' I)ntuh,nrton, Fife, 68', t o 69 Kiuro,s, Cl ackniann an North and .15!),055 81.7 East Ridings of Yorkshire, Argyle, Rote Arran, Uunrfries, Rox-l burgh, Selkirk, Peebles; N'orthum-) (;s to 68", her land; Connntght Munster. 971,177 173-4 Caitluuss, Inverness, Aberdeen 11)111111,, PI-in, Nairn Forfar, Kincardine;) Lanark, If nfrew; Cumherland, 67 to 68 West morohtucl; Lincoln, Norfolk ;J 1,326,292 236-0 Ulster, Leirister. Shetland Western Hchrides; 1)orharu, Lancashire, Derby, Stafford Suf (i7 to 67, folk Essex, Kent ; Lcrl,shirt , Corn 4188,465 122-6 wall. (Not,tingham, Leicester, Rutland, Northampton, Bedford; Warwick, Worcester; Flint, Denbigh; Sussex, 667,118 118.7 Hampshire, Dorset, Devon. London (66.92 inches). 661,1 to 67 tWest Riding of Yorkshire, Chester; 6:36,769 113.3 Carnaavon, Angles(-a, Alerioneih,~ A[ont-gomery, (lardigaar, Rracon, 66 to 66? Itaduor; Cambridge, Huntingdon; I 57:1,771 102.1 Buckinghamshire, Cxfonlshire l. liertford, Middlesex (ex. metrop.); Surrey (ex. metrop.) ; Shropshire, Hereford, Alonmontli, (!, Wiltshire, Sonwrset; Iilateorgan, 5,618,677 1000• Caermtarthen, ICnrhroke. Stature x Population 67.68 inches, average stature of adult males (25-55 years Total male population I = I of age) of the United Kingdom. 29. Ethnology.-The variations in stature, weight, and complexion shown to exist in different districts of the British Isles by the maps, appear to be chiefly due to difference of racial origin, and this influence predominates over all others. 'We have reason to believe, from historical and antiquarian researches, that the ancient Caledonia, the Belglo and Cimbri, and the Saxons and Frisians, as well as the Danes and Normans, were all people of great stature. On the other hand, the prehistoric (neolithic) race or races in Britain appear to hate been of low or moderate stature, Accordingly the higher statures are found in the Pictish or