the king desired their assistance in an expedition against a small neighbouring tribe with whom he was at war, At this request the missionaries were surprised and disgusted, and refused indignantly. The guide took it very quietly, and immediately allowed the subject to drop ; but, from that moment, there was an evident change in their mutual relations. Nangoro would not see them for five days, and when he did so he gave them a cold reception and flatly refused to allow them to proceed farther. Mr. Green's account of their reception in Ovampoland is as follows:
" The guide appearing a frank and honest fellow, we gladly placed ourselves under his directions ; and as he was very communicative-added to which, a shrewd character-we became rather disposed in his favour. Upon our arrival at the chief's residence, he appeared to be a complete master of ceremonies ; our messages, together with our presents, were delivered by him, and the custom of lighting our fire from that of the chief's hearth was strictly attended to and executed with a little skill of witchcraft by him. Our first present was returned, with a message that whatever we intended to give his royal highness, besides the beads, must be despatched at the same time. We became exceedingly annoyed at his impertinence, and told him very plainly that it was our custom to send presents in that way, and he must conform to it; that in sending the present back he did not appear to be on friendly terms with us, and we did not like it ; that if we had anything further to give the chief, we should do so after we had the honour of seeing him, ' if his words were good for us; ' if not we should not give him anything more. I was determined not to allow myself to be imposed upon by this beggarly chief, which was also the same in Mr. Hahn's case. (Mr. Galton allowed himself and party to be sadly imposed upon by Nangoro, which induced the latter to make a like attempt upon us.) This returning of presents was at length amicably settled, but we had occasion to be exceedingly angry at the non-appearance of the chief; after we had been at his town for three days, we sent a message to inform him that we were not accustomed to wait the pleasure of a chief so long, and that if he did not come the following day we should inspan and ride away-also, that if he considered himself a great chief, then so did we. This message appeared rather to astonish his highness, and we shortly received a reply that we must not imagine that it was done with, any evil design, but