land was peremptorily refused, owing to recent occurrences. The Revs. Messrs. Hahn and Rath, the missionaries, and Mr. Green, the hunter, had come into serious conflict with those people, as will be shortly described, and many lives had been lost. He then turned to the north-east and discovered the Okovango River (see the rna,6). This journey was described in a volume called by that name and published in 1861.
During all this time numerous traders and hunters were arriving in Damaraland, pushing their commerce and their travels in all directions. The Namaquas were again in continual hostilities with the Damaras, and the country was much disturbed A mining company with an extensive plant, including oxen and waggons, had been established in Damaraland, but did not succeed. The property was put up to sale at Cape Town in 1863, and Andersson, who was then residing there, bought it. So he again returned to Damaraland, but this time as the owner of a large commercial undertaking. The Namaquas resisted his settlement and threatened his life. He made common cause with the surrounding Damaras. There was a great fight, in which he commanded them, and in which they were quite beaten; and Andersson received a bullet wound below the knee that shattered the bone. Then followed months of great danger and pain. He was ultimately brought back to the Cape, and the leg at last was healed, though he remained partly crippled. He was also nearly ruined. As a final and desperate venture he determined to make another commercial expedition ; and, though in shattered health, his determined spirit carried him on, and he contrived to reach Ovampoland and the Cunene. His strength and health now began greatly to fail, and as his sickness increased he turned back, only to die on the way, in 1867, a little to the north-east of Ondonga. Extracts from his journal were edited by Mr. Lloyd and published in 18; r, under the title of "Notes of Travel in South Africa."
It is impossible in a few pages to unravel the tangled skein of events that ran their several courses during the period of the above transactions. Marauding expeditions, the rise of new chiefs, interminable squabbles about disputed land and about personal wrongs, form the general staple of all South African history. It is therefore better to attempt no consecutive narrative, but merely to give a few extracts from various sources that severally afford a pretty clear