The first day's journey from Tsobis was got through pretty well, but on the second the mules and cart came to a dead lock in a broad sandy tributary of the Swaicop that we had to cross. We rode on to Otjimbingud, found Hans, who went directly back with oxen and yokes, and, before sundown, we were all encamped on the Swakop, at the Missionary station of Otjimbingue'. But now there was this difference, that no more yellow faces of Hottentots were about us, as at Walfisch Bay, but we had come among the black men-the Damaras-and a country that was, in a certain sense, generally habitable, stretched before us instead of a sand-desert.
Hear Ill News-Engage Hans-Ride to Barmen-En route-Oxen versus Mules-Arrive at Barmen-Jonker's Attack-Previous History-Oerlams and Europeans-Hottentots and Bushmen-Establishment of MissionsNative Feuds-Dislike to Missions-Obstruction to Travellers-Write to Jonker-Buy Oxen from Hans-Breaking them in-Attacks of Distemper - Complete my Encampment - Digging Holes - Native Hunting-Oxen sent to the Bay-I go to Barmen-Damara Thorn Trees-Jonker writes to me-My Plans-The Ovampc-First RainHottentot Beauties-Hyena's Insolence-Damara Ferocity-Cruel Murder-Mutilated Victim-Message to Chiefs-Their Replies.
OTJTMBJNGUk is well situated for a Missionary station. Water, the first necessary of life, is here in sufficient quantity, as a small streamlet runs down the bed of the river. Grass, the next essential in the eyes of a pastoral people like the Damaras, is also in abundance, for the Swakop, at this place, instead of lying between abrupt cliffs, runs through a wide plain, that shelves for miles down its bed ; and which, though covered with thorn bushes, affords a fair allowance of grass-bearing soil. The Mission-house was a temporary affair, a mud wall six feet high, and over it a round-tented ceiling of matwork, in shape like a waggon roof. A gigantic house was being built by Mr. Rath, the missionary, on the top of a little cliff close by. Mr. Rath and his wife received me with great kindness, and as this place, or its neighbourhood, was to be my headquarters for some time, I chose my encampment with some deliberation. It was among a