OCR Rendition - approximateCHAP. IL] A M1aoiONARY ESTABLISHMENT. I'J especially as I heard that my horses were quite well and fat. We talked over the lion, and it seemed that he had been prowling about the station continually ; that he was a well-known beast, who usually hunted the lower part of the Swakop, and had killed an immense number of cattle ; many a time have I heard them reckoned over,-fifty oxen, three horses, one donkey, and innumerable calves and dogs. He had often been chased, but was too wary to be shot-and so forth. We talked over the lion at Mr. Bam's till a late hour: he assured me that the animal would prowl about that night, as he had done so every day for a week, and that if I wanted to try my rifle, I could track him in the morning. He and Stewartson had taken my horses the day before to hunt him, and they found him and gave chase; at last he came to bay, when they rode to the top of a sand-hill immediately above him, where the beast not waiting to be fired at charged them. Mr. Bam galloped off, but Stewartson's horse being thoroughly blown, would not stir a step, until the lion's head appeared over the sand-hill just above the astonished animal, who probably had no idea of what was taking place, for Stewartson seems to have been "craning" over the ridge of the bank. I was glad to learn, not only on account of Stewartson's safety, but also, as a proof of the discretion and speed of my horse, that the next second of time left the lion behind at a safer distance. Mr. Bam's household, which I may as well describe, as it gives a good idea of a Missionary establishment, was as follows :-Himself, Mrs. Barn, a numerous family, and an interpreter, who helped at the schools, could drive a waggon, and was the factotum, made the party that took their meals together, the interpreter being very deferential, and only speaking when spoken to. Besides these were a few hangerson, more or less trustworthy, and always ready for a job. The house is a tolerably sized cottage or bothy, all on one floor, built of course by the Missionary himself, as well as he was able to build it; the workmanship was naturally very rough, but as it takes far less labour to use trees for the uprights and rafters than planks, it is also very strong. Chairs, a table, and a bureau were imported from Cape Town ; the bed, bookshelves, and so forth, made here. The wife does the whole housework, cleaning the rooms, managing the children, cooking the dinner, and, what I never liked, waiting at table. These ladies have the hardest and rudest of occupations, but, I must candidly say, they seem to like this life extremely, and I am sure that Missionaries gust find greet favour in the eyes of the fairer sex, judging from the |