Sand Fountain-A Lesson to the Natives-A Present-News of a Lion-Scheppmansdorf-A Narrow Escape-A Missionary's EstablishmentNative Huts-Missions-A Lion Hunt-Preparations for the RoadNative Trees-The Hottentots-Character of the Country-Mode of
breaking in an Ox-Arrangement of the Baggage-A Prosperous Start -The Swakop-Night Bivouac-Labours of the March-Loss of a Horse and a Mule-The Lions' Chase-Attempt to a verge the Loss-A Narrow Escape-Animal Food-The Ghou Damup-Erongo MountainIntense Heat-The Tsobis River-Ride-Oxen-Native Servants-Their
Cape Town Life-A Giraffe Hunt-Change of Country-An Ostrich Egg-Approach to Otji:nbingue-Hans Larsen.
TaL Missionary who had cone with us from Cape Town went off at once to Scheppmansdorf with Mr. Bam, whose oxen fetched his waggon and all his things, and who very kindly promised to give me a help with mine, when the oxen were sufficiently rested, if I would first get the luggage as far as Sand Fountain. The mules were therefore harnessed, and worked excellently, carting my heavy things through the deep sand; and they made sometimes two and sometimes three trips a day between that place and the Bay. Andersson and myself slept at Sand Fountain. John Morta cooked for us, and the others drove the cart, and took care of my store at the Bay.
Mr. Barn told me I should have great trouble in first going up the country, unless I had a person to guide me, and that there was not a Hottentot with him who could go. I had no interpreter for them, and they were frightened at the Damaras. Stewartson said that he was going in about two months, and would then be very happy to show me the way. It appeared, on further conversation, that the business which detained him from going at once was that he had to make a fence round his garden to keep it from Mr. Barn's pigs. So I arranged with two of my men that they should go and help him to get through the work quickly, while my others were employed with me. After a week everything was returned to Sand Fountain. Andersson and myself had employed ourselves in walking about, superintending the work. The Hottentots of course crowded round us every day, but they did not at all trouble us: only one or two of them were impudent, and, as I did riot