greater sense of moral freedom, responsibility, and opportunity ; the new duty, which is supposed to be exercised concurrently with, and not in opposition to the old ones upon which the social fabric depends, is an endeavour to further evolution, especially that of the human race." Mr. Galton's most recent work, "Natural Inheritance," deals with numerous technical points in his inquiries, many of the results being based on information gained through the Records of Family Faculties obtained in competition for the prizes amounting to 65oo which he gave some years ago for the best extracts from Family Records. This work is too recent for us to discuss it here, but it will be found essential in all future exact anthropological work.
The editor, in conclusion, desires to thank Mr. Galton for the generous kindness with which he has given him permission to include this Book of South African travel in the Minerva Library: and also for his careful revision of the work and preparation of a new appendix and illustrative map. This book occupies a relation to Mr, Galton's career similar to that which Darwin's celebrated "Journal of the Beagle" occupied in his lifework ; it shows the early phases of the notable character and investigations which have been briefly sketched above, combined with a narrative of travel of special interest in itself. By the kind permission of Messrs. Macmillan & Co, and of the authors, or in the case of one much lamented scholar, the late Mr. W. G. Clark, of Trinity College, Cambridge, of his representative, the Rev. J. M. Clark, of Dulwich, this volume includes a selection from the series entitled "Vacation Tourists " which Mr. Galton edited in 1860-3, and which record the varied experiences of a number of cultured English travellers in vacation. Sir George Grove and Mr. Galton have revised the reprint of their contributions; Mr. Clark's "Naples and Garibaldi" has been reprinted as it stood. It is believed that many will still appreciate these vivid narratives, which in some parts rise to historical importance.
G. T. B.