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divine, a man of remarkable energy and force of character ; Fellow of Queens' Coll., Cambridge, 1749-1757 ; curate of Clapham, 1754; vicar of Huddersfield, 1759 ; rector of Yelling, 1771-1797 ; author of the " Complete Duty of Man."-[" Dict. N. Biog."]

f z fa fa fa, Richard Venn (1691-1740), a learned divine ; rector of St. Antholin's, London, 1725-1739He acquired some prominence by publicly objecting to the appointment of Dr. Rundle, a latitudinarian, to the bishopric of Gloucester, on the ground of unorthodox views.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]

fa si da, Emelia Batten, afterwards Mrs. Russell Gurney ; distinguished by her artistic taste and accomplishments ; author of " Dante's Pilgrims' Progress."-[" Letters," with a brief biography, by Ellen Gurney, 1902.]

me fa bro, Daniel Sykes (1766-1832), F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity Coll., Cambridge ; Recorder and M. P. for Hull; prominent as an early supporter of the Reform Movement.

me fa fa, Joseph Sykes (1723-1805), large and successful merchant in Hull, where he was the principal founder of the trade in Swedish iron ; Mayor and Sheriff of Hull, and D.L. of the E. Riding.

For further particulars of the Venn family, see "Venn Family Annals," by Dr. John Venn (Macmillan and Co., 1904).