fa, James Smyth Scott, gold medallist Trin. Coll., Dublin.
me byo, William John Brodrick, seventh Viscount Midleton, Dean of Wells.
bro, Charles Brodrick Scott, Senior Classic, Cambridge, 1848 ; Headmaster of Westminster School.
bro, James George Scott, Archdeacon of Dublin, Chancellor of St. Patrick's, Dublin.
bro, Edward Ashley Scott, Fellow of Trinity Coll., Cambridge.
bro son, George Digby Scott, first-class Classical tripos, Cambridge.
bro son, Charles William Scott, engineer to Irish Lights Board.
fa bro son, Edward William Scott, General Bengal Artillery; for many years secretary to the Military Board, Bengal.
me bro son, George C. Brodrick (a'. I9o3), D.C.L., Warden of Merton Coll., Oxford ; brilliant college career ; connected with the "Times," 1860-1873 ; author of "Political Studies" (I879), "Memorials of Merton College" (1885), " Memoirs and Impressions " (I9oo).-[" Who's Who."]
size si son, Charles Brodrick Bernard, Bishop of Tuam, Ireland.
me bro son son, William St. John Brodrick, P.C., Secretary of State for War, 1900-1 go3 ; subsequently for India. [" Who's Who."]