I ercival Spencer Umfreville Pickering (b. 1858), F.R.S., director of the Woburn Experimental Fruit Farm ; investigator in chemical physics ; editor of " Memoirs of Anna Maria Pickering," and author of 15o papers on chemical and physical subjects.-[" Who's Who."]
me fa, John Spencer Stanhope, F.R.S., and
Membre de l' I nstitut at twenty-eight years of age ; a man of considerable classical attainments, and author of " Plataea and Olympia," and other topographical studies in Greece.
me me, Elizabeth, ncle Coke, a woman of considerable artistic ability.
me one fa, Thomas William Coke (1752-I842), of Holkham, was created Earl of Leicester ; M. P. for
Norfolk, 17 76-1806, and I807-I832 ; favoured Protection and Parliamentary Reform ; introduced modern methods into agriculture ; a famous improver of stock.--[" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa, Percival Andree Pickering, Q. C., Fellow
of St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; Judge of Passage Court ; Attorney - General for County Palatine ; author of classical essays and works on Parliamentary law.
me, Anna Maria Wilhelmina, ncfe Spencer Stanhope, of decided literary and classical ability ; author of " Memoirs " recently published.
fa bro, Edward Hayes Pickering, Captain of
Montem, Eton; Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge ; died young.