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up to the time of the Union.-[" Dict. N. Biog. "]

• bro son, William Foster (a' 1797), D.D., Bishop successively of Cork, Kilmore, and Clogher.

• bro son son, John Leslie Foster (d. 1842), F.R.S., Irish Judge; M.P. for Dublin University, etc.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]

• bro son son, Sir Augustus John Foster

(1780-1848), Bart., P.C., M.P. ; Minister to United States, Denmark, and Turin.-[" Dict. N. Biog. "]

fa bro son son son, Vere Henry Lewis Foster (1819-19oo), philanthropist and educa

tionalist.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]

bro, Alfred Henry McClintock (d. 1881), M. D., LL.D., President Royal College of Physicians, Ireland.

fa bro son, John McClintock, M.P. for Co. Louth for many years ; created Baron Rathondell for long political services.

me fa, Ven. George L. Fleury, Archdeacon of Waterford.

me bro, Rev. Charles Marley Fleury, a celebrated preacher in Dublin.

son, Henry Foster McClintock, Assistant Private Secretary to Lord Stanley, Postmaster - General ; served with Army Post-Office Corps in South Africa, and was mentioned in despatches.

son, John William Leopold McClintock, Com-