me bro, Frederick, Comte de Lusi, soldier ; distinguished himself in the German-Danish War of 1848 ; decorated for valour in saving the life of General H alkett.
• biro, jasper Robert Joly, remarkable precosity as a boy ; obtained distinguished college successes in classics in his thirteenth year at Trinity Coll., Dublin. Devoted his life to the collection of Hogarth and Bewick, upon whom he was an authority.
• sz, Mary Joly, died young; left a remarkable collection of minutely accurate paintings of birds and flowers.
me fa fa, Spiridion, Comte de Us!, the founder of the de Lusi family, ennobled by Frederick the Great for statesmanship.-[" Percy Anecdotes."]
Kelvin, Lord.---See WILLIAM THOMPSON.
Alfred Bray Kempe (b. 1849), F.R.S., Chancellor of the Dioceses of Newcastle, Southwell, and St. Albans ; Treasurer and Vice-President of the Royal Society from 1899 ; has published works on mathematics.-[" Who's Who."]
• fa, Alfred John Kempe (1784-1846), distinguished antiquary ; published works on Holwood Hill, Kent, and St. Martin-le-Grand Church, London.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa, John Edward Kempe (b. I8 io), late Rector of St. James's, Piccadilly ; Hon. Chaplain to the King since I9oi.--[" Who's Who."]