writer on musical topics.-[" Diet. N. Biog.," and Grove's " Diet. of Music."]
me fa, Charles Thomas Haden, a rising London physician, who initiated a treatment for gout, much noted at the time (d. young in 1823).[Unpublished information.]
fa, John Callcott Horsley, R.A., distinguished painter.-[" Who's Who."]
• bro, Charles Edward Horsley (1822-1876), composer of oratorios ; best known in America ; author of "Text-book of Harmony."-[" Dict. N. Biog.," and Grove's " Diet. of Music."]
me bro, Sir F. Seymour Haden (b. 1818), surgeon. Founder and President of the Royal Society of Painter- Etchers. A well-known sanitarian, especially in respect to the disposal of the dead. Grand Prix, Paris, 1889 and 1 goo ; many publications.["Who's Who."]
• si son, Isambard Brunel, Chancellor to the Diocese of Ely; ecclesiastical barrister.
Ancestors in more remote degrees
• me fa, John Wall Callcott (1766-1821), composer, mainly of glees and catches ; published " Musical Grammar," 18o6.-[" Diet. N. Biog.," and Grove's " Diet. of Music."]
• me fa bro, Sir Augustus Wall Callcott, R.A. (1779-1844), distinguished painter, mainly of landscapes ; knighted, 1837. - [" Dict. N. B iog. "]
me fa fa, Thomas Haden, the principal doctor