• bro, Edward Bernard Lewin Hill (b. 1834), C. B., retired as senior Assistant- Secretary-General Post Office.-[" Who's Who."]
• bro, Sir John Edward Gray Hill (b. 1839), President of the Incorporated Law Society, and of the International Law Association, 1903-1904 ; author of " With the Beduins " and papers on various subjects connected with maritime law, etc.-[" Who's Who."]
me bro, Sir John Scott (b. 1841), K.C.B., judge in the High Court, Bombay ; appointed to reform administration of criminal law in Egypt.-[" Who's Who. "]
bro, Norman Hill, Secretary to the Shipping Association ; a distinguished Liverpool lawyer, and writer and authority on the Economics of Shipping.
• fafa, Thomas Wright Hill (1736-1851), schoolmaster and stenographer.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa, fa bro, Sir Rowland Hill (1795-1879), inventor of penny postage ; as Chairman of the Brighton Railway introduced express and excursion trains, 1843-1846.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
• fa bro, Edwin Hill (1793-1876), inventor and author ; supervisor of stamps at Somerset House ; with Mr. De la Rue invented machine for folding envelopes ; exhibited 1851.-[" Dict. N. Biog."
• fa bro, Matthew Davenport Hill (1792-1872). first recorder of Birmingham ; reformer of criminal law and of the treatment of criminals.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
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