founders of the Port Erin Biological Station, and of the seafish hatchery at Piel ; was sent to Ceylon 1901-1902 to investigate the pearl oyster fishery for the Government (results published by the Royal Society, 1903-1905) ; author of numerous zoological works.-[" Who's Who."]
fa me, Sophia Herdman, great ability and strength of character shown by the way sbe brought up her four sons, after having been left a widow early in life.
fa, Robert Herdman (1829-1888), R.S.A., well known in Scotland as a portrait and historical painter; also a good Greek scholar, an antiquary, and student of Shakespearian literature.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
• bro, William Herdman, Presbyterian minister at Rattray ; an antiquary, good botanist, and geologist.
• bro, James Chalmers Herdman, D. D. (hon.), Presbyterian minister of Melrose ; a popular preacher and convener of foreign missions.
• bro son, James Chalmers Herdman, D. D. (hon.), occupies a leading position in the Scottish Church in Canada.
Sydney John Hickson (b. 18S9), F.R.S., D.Sc., Professor of Zoology, Owens Coll., Manchester, since 1894. ; author of " A Naturalist in North