me fa, Erasmus Darwin, M. D., F.R.S.-See
me z bro son, Charles Robert Darwin, F.R.S.,
the naturalist.-See DARWIN.
si son, Edward G. Wheler (b. 1850), a founder and president of the Land Agents' Society ; commissioner and estate agent during sixteen years for I55,ooo acres of various descriptions of property.
fa bro son, Sir Douglas Galton (1822-1901), K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., passed from Woolwich to Royal Engineers with the best examination then on record, obtaining first prize in every subject, 1840; Inspector of Railways, and Secretary of Railway Dept., Board of Trade, 1856; Assistant Inspector-General of Fortifications, i 86o ; designed and constructed the Herbert Hospital at Woolwich ; Director of Public Works and Building in H. M. Works, 1870-1875 ; General Secretary of British Assoc., 1870-1895 ; President of it, 1895 ; authority on hospital construction, and on the sanitation, ventilation, etc., of public buildings.-[" Dict. N. Biog.," Suppl. ii.]
His kindred by his mother's side are
me fa fa, Jedediah Strutt (1726 -1797), hosiery manufacturer and cotton spinner; inventor of machine for making ribbed stockings ; partner of Sir Richard Arkwright.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
me fa, Joseph Strutt (1765 - 1844), first Mayor of Derby, 1835, and donor of the arbo