one bra son and wi bro, John Dickinson (18151876), writer on India, and founder of Indian Reform Society, 1853. [" Dict. N. Biog."]
Right Hon. Sir Edward Fry (b. 1827), D.C.L., LL. D., F.R.S., Judge of High Court, Chancery Division, 1877-1883 ; Lord Justice of Appeal, 1883-1892 ; President of the Royal Com. on the Irish Land Acts, 1897-1898; Chairman of the Court of Arbitration under the Metropolitan Water Act, 1902 ; member of the Permanent Court of International Arbitration at the Hague; author of a "Treatise on the Specific Performance of Contracts," of " British Mosses," and " The M ycetozoa."--[" Who's Who."]
fa bra, Francis Fry (1803-1886), member of the firm of J. S. Fry and Co., Bristol ; a great authority on bibliography.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
bro, Right Hon. Lewis Fry (b. 1832), M. P. for Bristol, 1878-1885 ; N. Bristol, 1885-1892, and 1895-1900.-[" Who's Who."]
bra, Joseph Storrs Fry, has maintained and extended a large manufacturing business, and taken an active part in philanthropic work.
fa fa _ fa, Joseph Fry (1728- 1787 ), practised medicine in Bristol, afterwards manufactured cocoa and chocolate ; started type-founding business with William Pine, 1764.-[" Dic. N. Biog."]
fez fit bra, Edmund Fry (1754-1835), M.D. of Edinburgh ; devoted his life to the business of type-