Sydney Smith knew "no man who appeared to have made such an impression on his friends," his friends including many of the leading intellects of
the day.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
me f z fa (she was her husband's fi bro dau), Josiah Wedgwood, F ..R.S. ; see above.
me bro, Hensleigh Wedgwood (1803-1891), author of " Etymological Dictionary " and of other works, partly mathematical.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
me bro dauu, Julia Wedgwood, essayist.
bro, Francis Darwin (b. 1848), F.R.S., botanist ; biographer of his father ; reader in botany at Cambridge, 1876-1903 ; foreign sec. Royal Society. Author of botanical works and memoirs.-[" Who's Who."]
bro, Major Leonard Darwin (b. 1850), late R.E., second in the examination of his year for Woolwich ; served on several scientific expeditions, including transit of Venus of 1874 and 1882 ; Staff Intelligence Dep. War Office, 1885-1890; M.P. for Lichfield, 1892-1895. Author of " Bimetallism," " Municipal Trade. "-[-'Who's Who."]
bro, Horace Darwin (b. 1851), F.R.S., engineer and mechanician ; joint founder of the Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company and its proprietor. I t is now a limited company, of which he is chairman.-[" Who's Who."]
More distant relatoin
fa fa si son, Francis Galton, F.R.S. (q.v.).