himself Latin, Greek,"and learned Hebrew with the aid of a teacher, at one -time a pedlar ; served as a soldier in the Edinburgh garrison, 1745 ; minister to the Burgher congregation at Haddington, 1750-1787; acted as Professor of Divinity to Burgher students after 1767.-[" Dict. N. Biog. "]
fa fa, John Brown (1754-1832), Scottish divine ; minister of Burgher church at Whitburn, 1776-1832 ; wrote memoirs of James Hervey, i8o6, and many religious treatises.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa, John Brown (1784-1858), minister of Burgher church at Biggor,r"1866 ; of Secession Church at Edinburgh, 1822 ; D.D., 18-o; Professor of Exegetics Secession Coll., 1834, and in United Presbyterian Coll. 1847 ; author of many exegetical commentaries.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
nie bro, Walter, Crum, F.R.S., manufacturer at Thornliebank, near Glasgow ; a successful man of business and a very able chemist.
fa son, John Brown (181o-1882), M.D., practised in Edinburgh with success ; author of " Horae Subsecivae," " Rab and his Friends." - [" Dict. N. Biog.'-']
fa si son, Robert Johnstone (b. 1832), D. D., LL. B., Professor of New Testament Literature and Exegesis in the United Free Church Coll., Aberdeen ; has published works on the New Testament.
[" Who's Who."]
Si son, Charles Stewart-Wilson, PostmasterGeneral, Punjab, since 1899.-[" India List."]
me 15i-o son, Alexander Crum, managing director