ar!ce concerning the noteworthiness of kinsmen in distant degrees, showing that it is much lessened when they bear the same surname as their father, or even as the maiden surname of their mother. The argument is this : Table V. has already shown that me bros are, speaking roughly, as frequently noteworthy as fa bros-fifty-two of the one to forty-five of the other-so noteworthiness is so far an equal characteristic of the maternal and paternal lines, resembling in that respect nearly all the qualities that are transmitted purely through heredity. There ought, therefore, to be as many persons recorded as noteworthy in each of the four different kinds of greatgrandparents. The same should be the case in each of the four kinds of great-uncles. But this is not so in either case. The noteworthy great-grandfathers, fa fa fa, who bear the same name as the subject are twice as numerous as the me fa fa who bear the maiden surname of the mother, and more than five times as numerous as either of the other two, the fa me fa and me me fa, whose surnames differ from both, unless it be through some accident, whether of a cross marriage or a chance similarity of names. It is just the same with the great-uncles. Now, the figures for great-grandfathers and great-uncles run so closely alike that they may fairly be grouped together, in order to obtain a more impressive whole -namely, two sorts of these kinsmen, bearing the same name as the Subject, contain between them 23 noteworthies, or I I •5o each ; two sorts having the mother's maiden surname contain together i i note-