or they may be correlated. Both cases will be considered.
Ability and Environment being mutually helpful towards success, the successes statistically associated with A E will be reckoned higher than those associated with AF. Again, for simplicity of explanation only, it will here be assumed that Ability and Environment are equally potent in securing success. Any other reasonable relation between their influences may be substituted for the purpose of experiment, but the ultimate conclusion will be much the same.
AE. |
I. |
AF. |
I. |
AG. II. |
BE. |
I. |
BF. |
II. |
BG. III. |
CE. II. |
CF. III. |
CG. III. |
First, suppose Ability and Environment to be entirely independent, A being as frequently associated with E as it is with F or with G ; similarly as regards B and C, then the nine combinations shown in Table I. will be equally frequent. These tabular entries fall into three equal groups. The three that lie in and about the upper left-hand corner contain the highest constituents-namely, either high combined with high, or one high with one medium. They will produce Successes of Grade I. The three in