a valuable Report with that title, which attracted much attention. He took in it an opposite position to one previously occupied by Whewell. I beg to be pardoned if my memory plays tricks, but my impression is that Whewell's efforts to subdue his own indignation at being bearded in this way by a mere "Travelling Bachelor" were all the more amusing because he was impotent to retort. Joseph Kay was perfectly in order in asserting his rank ; he was judged by competent outsiders to heave written very ably, and he was no longer a resident in Trinity College within immediate reach of Whewell's wrath.
E. Kay (1822-1897), afterwards Lord Justice of Appeal, had rooms on the same staircase as myself, and we wasted a great deal of time together, both in term and in my second summer vacation. But however idle he may have been at College, he richly made up for it afterwards by hard and steady legal work, out of which he finally emerged as a judge with a large fortune made at the Bar.
Charles Buxton (1823-18710, son of the philanthropist Sir T. Fowell Buxton (1786-1845) and father of the present Postmaster-General, was another intimate friend. He was a far-off relative of my own, and one of the most favourable examples of a Rugby product under Dr. Arnold. Other similar examples of highly favourable products occur at once to the memory, such as Dean Stanley, Dean Lake, and Walrond, but unquestionably the common opinion of Cambridge undergraduates then assigned the epithet of "prig" to most Rugby boys. I can exactly recall the combination of qualities that occasioned the offence ; they were partly an unconscious Phariseeism