study during my third year, as will be mentioned farther on. At a later date I found myself his colleague '1,4 Joint secreutr), to the British Associa
tion, but his health had by then declined and his fine intellect begun to fail. I never had a tutor whom I reverenced and loved so entirely as Hopkins.
It was early in my second year that I entered into a close friendship with two Etonians. The one
was Henry Fitzmaurice Hallam (1824-1850), the
younger son of the historian Henry Hallam (17771859) and brother to Arthur Hallam (1811-1833), the subject of Tennyson's In Memoriam. The other friend was F. Campbell, the eldest son of Lord Campbell (1779-1861), then Lord Chief-Justice, and afterwards Lord Chancellor. F. Campbell became in later years, through succession, Lord Stratheden and Campbell. I owe much to each of these fast friends, but in different ways. '
Harry Hallam had a singular sweetness and attractiveness of manner, with a love of harmless banter and paradox, and was keenly sympathetic with all his many friends. He won the Second Chancellor's Medal. Through him I became introduced to his father's house, still shadowed by the sudden death of his son Arthur and of a daughter. Mr. Hallam was very kind to me, and the friendship of him and of his family was one of the corner-stones of my life-histo. I met many eminent persons at his house. Harry Hallam, like his brother and sister,
died suddenly and young, to my poignant grief. His
death occurred while I was away in South Africa. I have visited the quiet church at Clevedon where