far more distant moon becomes visible when risen but a few degrees above the horizon.
Talking of such things reminds me of an elementary but very neat little problem that was set about this time in one of the College examination papers. I t has often served me as a rough reminder of the constants involved, so I give it:
" The tops of two masts, each ten feet above calm water, are just visible to one another at a distance of eight miles; what is the diameter of the earth ? Aerial refraction is not to be taken into account." I leave its solution to the reader.
One of the features of my stay at the Lakes was the wrestling and other field sports, then much more homely in their accessories than they are now. I took lessons from one of the family of Ivens, among whom were many noted wrestlers. My teacher was the light-weight champion of the year. It was interesting to observe the wary approach and half-catchings of the opponents before one of them succeeded in grappling ; then the tug-of-war began.
An event occurred at this time closely similar in many respects, but not in its most painful details, to one previously related by De Quincey in his reminiscences of S. T. Coleridge, as having occurred in the Lake District in the early years of last century. I was quite ignorant of it till very lately, when I happened to be reading his book. My story is that of a Polish Count, 0., who appeared at Keswick with scant introductions, took a house, and made himself most agreeable. I fell at once under his influence, for he seemed to me extraordinarily accomplished. He had all sorts of books and instruments, and even