Trinity College-First vacation at the Lakes-Second vacation at Aberfeldy-College friends-Entire breakdown in health-Third vacation in Germany-My father's death
I T was a notable day in my life when, in the year 1840, escorted by my father on the top of a stage coach, I caught my first view of the principal buildings of Cambridge. There was no railway to Cambridge then. I had been entered at Trinity College, where rooms were assigned to me on the first floor of B. New Court. My tutor was J. W. Blakesley (18o8-1885), an accomplished classical scholar, contemporary with Tennyson and his set, and subsequently Dean of Lincoln. The then Master of the College, who, however, resigned his post after the close of my first term, was Christopher Wordsworth (1774-1846), brother of the poet and father of three distinguished classical scholars, - John ; Charles,. Bishop of St. Andrew's ; and Christopher, the headmaster of Harrow. The biographies of them all appear in the Diet. Nat. Biog. I found but few old friends among the undergraduates besides Matthew Boulton, but gradually fell into my place. I soon became conscious of the power and thoroughness of the work about me, as of a far superior order to anything I had previously witnessed. At the