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I.-Fig: 1. Chinese coin with the symbol of the nail-mark of the Empress Wen-teh   25

Fig. 2. Order on a camp sutler by Mr. Gilbert Thompson, who used

his finger print for the same purpose as the scroll-work in cheques, viz.

to ensure the detection of erasures   27

II.-Fig. 3. Form of card used at my anthropometric laboratory for finger prints. It shows the places where they are severally impressed, whether dabbed or rolled (p. 40), and the hole by which they are secured in their box   . .   .   .

Fig. 4. Small printing roller, used in the pocket apparatus, actual

size. It may be covered either with india-rubber tubing or with roller composition   40

III.-Fig. 5. Diagram of the chief peculiarities of ridges, called

here minutice (the scale is about eight times the natural size)   54

Fig. 6. The systems of ridges and the creases in the palm, indicated respectively by continuous and by dotted lines. Nos. 2, 3, 4, and 5 show variations in the boundaries of the systems of ridges, and places where smaller systems are sometimes interpolated .   54

IV.-Fig. 7. The effects of scars and cuts on the ridges : a is the result of a deep ulcer ; b the finger of a tailor (temporarily) scarred by

the needle ; c the result of a deep cut .   59

Fig. 8. Formation of the interspace : filled in (3) by a loop ; in (4)

by a scroll. The triangular plot or plots are indicated. In (1) there is no interspace, but a succession of arches are formed, gradually flattening

into straight lines   . 1 .   67

V.-Fig. 9. Specimens of rolled thumb prints, of the natural size,

in which the patterns have been outlined, p'. 69, and on which lines

have been drawn for orientation and charting   68

VI. -Fig. 10. Specimens of the outlines of the patterns on the ten digits of eight different persons, not selected but taken as they came. Its object is to give a general idea of the degree of their variety. The supply of ridges from the inner (or thumb side) are coloured blue, those

from the outer are red (the scale is of the natural size) .   7 0


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