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halters, 73 ; horse-collar, traces and trek-tows, 75.

Hats, 114.

Hawker, Colonel, 244.

Hawks for hawking, 269; to trap, 265. Head, Sir F., 110.

Hearne, Mr., 7, 208.

Heat, vital, 124; beating power of

different fuels, 338 (see Fiat..). Heather in bivouac, 139. Heavy bodies, to move, 322. Heber, Bishop, 219.

Heliostat, 279.

Helm, 104.

Hides, 343 (see "Skins; " also LEA


Hiding-places, 300 (see CACHES and


Hills 43 (see Crlalarxc, &c.). Hitch, Malay, 147 (see KNOTS). Hobbles, 73.

Holes, to dig, 216.

Honey, to find, igg; honey-bird, 199. Hooker, Dr., 138.

Hooks, for walls of hut, 171 ; fishhooks, 269 ; for springes, 263, 267. Horizon, artificial, 25.

Horn, 347; substitute for glass, 150; powder-horn, 244.

Horse, 55; to check descent of wagon, 78; tied to sleeping master, 316; to horn of dead game, 254; picketted to a ddterdm, 164; running by side of, 317 ; climbing with, 56; descending with, 294; in deep snow, 110; swimming with, 85; carrying a gun on, 241; loading on, 250; tying a prisoner on, 321; raising water from wells, 235; horseflesh, 193; hair for string, 345; collar, 75.

Hostilities, 31o.-To fortify a camp, 310; weapons to resist an attack, 312; natives forbidden to throng the camp, 313; keeping watch, 313; prairie set on fire, 314; tricks upon robbers,, 314; passing through a hostile country, 315 ; securing prisoners, 317 ; proceedings in case of death, 321.

Hours' journey, 32.

Huber, M., 288.

Hue and Gabet, MM., 18, 58, 61, 202, 257, 26o, 328.

Hunger, 17, 199•

Huts, 141.-Log huts, 141; underground huts, 142; snow-houses, 143; wattle and daub, 144; palisades, 145 ; straw or reed walls, 145; bark, 146; mats, 147; Malay hitch, 147 ; tarpaulin, 148 ; whitewash, 149; roofs, floors, windows, 149.

Ice, weak, to cross, 170; axe, 49; burning lens, made of, 171.


Incombustible stuffs, 113.

Index, to make, 351.

India-rubber 125 (see " Macintosh "). Information, preparatory, to obtain, 2 ;

through native eN omen, 7.

Ink, 331 ; autographic, 353 ; sympa

thetic, 331,

Insects as food, 201 ; mosquitos, 169,

163 ; flies, 63; fleas, 18 ; lice, 18. Instruments for surveying, 24; verifi

cation of, 352; porters for, 24; sur

gical instruments, 14.

Interpreters, 7.

Intestine to carry water, 228 ; as swim

ming-belt, 84; to make catgut from,

346 ; membrane thread, ;47.

Iron, ore to reduce, 339; forge, 339;

boats, 102.

Isinglass, 347.

Ivory, to sling on pack-saddle, 257.

Jar, to sling, 327.

Jackson, Colonel, 43, 282. Javelins, set over beast paths, 264. Jerked meat, 196. Jewels, to secrete, 302. Jourt, Kirghis, 157.

Kabobs, 208.

Kane, Dr., 5, 139, 252, 292.

Kegs for pack-saddles, 235.

Keels, 104. Kerkari, 218.

Kettle, 203 ; used for distilling, 221. Kite, as a signal, 282.

Knapsack slef ping-bag, 150; to carry

heavy weights knapsack fashion, 3z7. Knee-halter, 73.

Knife, 26o.

Knots, 325-See See also "Knots in

Alpine Ropes," 48; tying to tent

pole, 166; tent-pole, to mend, 165;

knotting neck of a bag, 73; Malay

bitch, 147 ; matting and weaving,

147; raft fastening, 89; leather ves

sels, to mend, 229; hide lashings,

336 ; rush chairs, 170. For a place

to make fast to, see " Burning down

Trees," go, 145; " Digging Holes to

plant them," 217 ; " Dateram," 164. Kraals, 63.

Ladder, 44.

Laird, M`Gregor, Mr., io2:

Lamp, 350; of lead, to cast, 340; Esqui

maux, 205; lamp-black, 331. Lantern, 350.

Lappar (to scare game), 252. Lashings of raw bide, 336. Lasso, 268.

Lathe, 336.

Laws of the bush, 308, 254, 321.

Lead, 340; to cast, 340.

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