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288. Food of birds wholesome to man, 2o2 ; rank birds, to prepare, for eating, Zoo ; watchfulness of, 314, 255 (see `° Feathers," " Quills," SHOOTING, and (SAME).

Birdlime, 267.

Biscuit, meat, 195.

Bivouac, 129.-General remarks on shelter, 130; various methods of

bivouacking, 134; bivouac in special localities, r;7 ; in hostile country, 315, 243 ; in unhealthy countries, 17; flies at night, 63.

Blacksmith's work 338 (see METALS). Black paint, 292 ; lampblack, 335. Bladder for carrying water, 228 (see

"Floats," 8; ; MEMBRANE, 346). Blakiston, Captain, R.A., 26, 81. Blanket stocking, 116.

Blaze (marked trees), 289; of fire in

early morning, 189.

Bleeding, hawmorrhage, 2o; blood-letting,


Bligh, Captain, 120, 200. Blisters, 19.

Blood, in making floors, 149; as food, 2o8, Zoo; as paint, 292; as ink, 331. Blue fire, 248.

Boats, 92, 102, 105 (see RAFTS and

Boats), Boat fire-place, 189; routes, to mark, 290; shipping great weights, 325 ; moving them on land, 322 ; shooting, from, 250; fishing from, 211.

Bogs, to cross, rob.

Bois de Vache (cattle-dung), 184. Bolas, 268.

Bones, as fuel, 184; food, zoo ; to extract fat from, 343 ; broken bones, 21.

Books, for MS., 26; to bind, 329; on conclusion of journey, 351. Boots, 52, 117.

Borrow, Mr., 291.

Bougeau, Mr., 300.

Bows set by a spring, 260 (see Au


Box of card, to pack flat, ;;;.

Braces, for trousers, 116; for saddlery, 72; to weave, 147.

Brands, for trees, 290, 303 ; for cattle,

Break to carriage wheels, 77. Breakwater of floating spars, ,o6. Bridges of felled trees, 11o; flying

bridges, 110.

Bridles, 72.

Broken limbs, 21

Brush, to make, 123; paint-brush, 330. Buccaneer, 196

Bucket, 229; pole and bucket at wells, 236.

Bnck.e, 72, 73.


Bullet, 248; poisoned, 266 (see " Lead "). Buoys, 104.

Burning down trees, 145, 90; hollows

in wood, 93. Burning-glasses,172. Bush-costume, 118. Bush-laws, 308, 254, 321. Bushing a tent, 166.

Butcher, 197. Butcher's knife, 26o. Butter, 198; relieves thirst, 225.

Caches and Depots, 3o3.-Caches,

300; hidin, jewels, 302; depositing letters, 303 ; reconnoitring by help of porters, 305.

Caesar, 7, 168.

Calabash floats, 84, 91 ; water vessels, 228.

Calculations, to procure, 35;; blank forms, ;o.

Calf stuffed with bay (Tulchan), 61.

Campbell, Mr. J., of lslay, 271.

Camel, 62.

Camp (see Bivouac, HuT, TENT), to fortify, 310; camp fire, 187; baking beneath, 207.

Candles and Lamps, 348.-Candles, 348 ; materials for candles, 349; candlesticks, ;50; lamps, 350. To obtain a blaze in early morning, 18q.

Canoe, of a log, 93 ; of three planks, 93 ; of reeds and fibre, 95 ; of bark, 92 ; of the Rob Roy pattern, 107 ; to carry on horseback, 103,

Canvas, life-belt, 84 ; water vessels, 227; boat, 94; painted, for sleeping rug, 125.

Cap (hat), 114; (percussion), 244; to obtain fire from, 174.

Carbon paper for tracing, 329.

Carcass (carrion), to find, 200; newly dead animal, warmth of, 138.

Card-boxes, to pack flat, 333.

Carpenters' tools, 334 (see "Burning down Trees," 145 90,.

Carrara, shipping heavy blocks, 325.

Carriages, 75-Wagons, 75; drays, 76; tarring wheels, 77 ; breaks and drags, 77 ; sledges, 8o; North American travel (trait), 81 ; palanquins, 81.

Carrion, 199.

Carross (fur), 127 (see 113).

Cartel (bedstead), 168.

Carter, Alpine Outfitter, 16o, 227.

Case-hardening, 339.

Cask (see "Barrel ").

Castings, of lead, 340, 304; cast-steel, 339.

Cats cannot endure high attitudes, 1g.

Catgut, 346 ; for nooses, 263.

Cattle 53.-Weights carried bvcattle, 54 ; theory of loads and distances, 54 ;

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