OCR Rendition - approximate20 Art of Travel. from 12,000 to 13,000 feet above the sea. M. Hermann Schlagintweit, who has had a great deal of mountain experience in the Alps and in the Himalayas, up to the height of 20,000 feet or more, tells me that he found the headache, &c., come on when there was a breeze, far more than at any other time. His whole party would awake at the same moment, and begin to complain of the symptoms, immediately on the commencement of a breeze. The symptoms of overwork are not wholly unlike those of the pupa, and many young travellers who have felt the first, have ascribed them to the second. Scurvy has attacked travellers even in Australia ; and I have myself felt symptoms of it in Africa, when living wholly on meat. Any vegetable diet cures it : lime-juice, treacle, raw potatoes, and acid fruits are especially efficacious. Dr. Kane insists on the value of entirely raw meat as a certain antiscorbutic : this is generally used by the Esquimaux. Bcemorrlaage from a Wound.-When the blood does not pou or trickle in a steady stream from a deep wound, but jets forth in pulses, and is of a bright red colour, all the bandages in the world will not stop it. It is an artery that is wounded ; and, unless there be some one accessible, who knows how to take it up and tie it, I suppose that the method of our forefathers is the only one that can be used by an unskilled traveller ; it is to burn deeply into the part as you would for a snake-bite (see next paragraph) ; or else to pour boiling grease into the wound. This is, of course, a barbarous treatment, and its success is uncertain, as the cauterised artery may break out afresh ; still, life is in question, and it is the only hope of saving it. After the cautery, the wounded limb should be kept perfectly still, well raised, and cool, until the wound is nearly healed. A tourniquet, which will stop the blood for a time, is made by tying a strong thong, string, or handkerchief firmly above the part, putting a stick through, and screwing it tight. If you know whereabouts the artery lies, which it is the object to compress, put a stone over the place under the handkerchief. The main arteries follow pretty much the direction of the inner seams of the sleeves and trousers. )F - www.fastio.com |