fa, Sir John Tomes (18i5-t895), F.R.S., dental surgeon ; invented dental forceps ; memoirs on histology of bone and teeth ; delivered lectures at Middlesex Hosp., which marked new era in dentistry ; induced Royal Coll. of Surgeons to grant license in dental surgery ; one of the chief founders of the Odontological Soc., 1856, and of the Dental Hosp., 1858 ; secured passing of Dentists Act, 1878 ; wrote well-known treatise on " Dental Surgery," and other works.-[" Dict. N. Biog."]
fa bro, Robert Fisher Tomes (1824-1904), authority on insectivora and chiroptera; edited Bell's " British Quadrupeds"; wrote natural history sections for his own and neighbouring county histories.
me bro, George Sibley, C. E. I., went out to India as a civil engineer, and without influence rose to be chief engineer of the East Indian Railways, and did much important work in bridge-building.
James William Helenus Trail (b. 1851), F.R.S., Regius Professor of Botany, University of Aberdeen, since 1877 ; naturalist of an exploring expedition in N. Brazil, 1873-1875 ; has been largely occupied in the administrative work of the University and of other educational bodies in N. Scotland ; has published numerous botanical and zoological papers in scientific journals.-[" Who's Who."]
fa, Samuel Trail, LL.D., D.D. (both hon.), obtained Hutton Scholarship in Aberdeen as the