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Vienna, Galton at, 196, 133, 134

Viricnlture, II 119. See also Eugenics Vi-rue, characters associated with, II 197

Vision, measurement of acuity of, 11222, 223, 336; in

Jewish children, IIIA 426

Visionaries, Galton on, 11 254

Visionary tendencies, repression of, II 244, 245 Visions and visualisation, II 244 Visits of Galton, summary of, IIIB 443-445

Visualised Numerals, IIIB 469. See also Number Forms Visualising, faculty of, 11236, 244; in Darwin, 11194,

195; in Dr Erasmus Darwin, II 196; in scientists,

11237, 243; in artists, etc., 11243; in orators, 11252;

in women, 11242; in different races, 11239, 240, 252;

on starvation of, 11 240; descriptions of, 11 240; ideal

.form of, II 241; utility of, 11 253; and use of words,

II 274; inheritance of, 11239, 242, 253; acquired by

training, 11 253

Vital Capacity, maximum values of, II 374; percentile

values of, II 376; growth curves for, II 377; corre

lation of, -with strength of squeeze, II 377; values of,

at each rank, II 390; and stature, isograms of, 11 391 Vivacity, in pairs of brothers, IIIA 247 Vogt, paper of, II 195

Voltaire, skit of, IIIB 535

de Vries, H., and Galton's views, IIIA 82; cited by Galton, IIIA 120

Wadi Half a, Galton reaches, 1203

Waite, H., work of, on finger-prints, IIIA 140 Waklstein (Sir Charles Walston), on Herculaneum,

IIIB 589

Wal fsch Bay, Galton at, 1221, 222, 236-238

Walker, E., at Cambridge, 1167, 190

Walker, Prof., on mimicry, IIIA 370

Wallace, year books of American trotting horses, IIIA 98

Wallace, Alfred Russet, and spiritualism, II 62; associated with `The Reader' and `Nature,' 11 69, 69; on `Hereditary Genius,' 11115; on Galton's theory of heredity, 11187; on Galton's paper on Twins, II 187; on need for experimental zoology, IIIA 81, 128, 129; correspondence of, with Galton, on experimental breeding, IIIA 128-133; and statistical method, 111A 133; on Darwinism, UP' 370; medallist of Linnean Society, IIIA 340; Copley medallist, IIIA 431, IIIB 614; at Darwin's funeral, II 198; death of, IIIA 342

Waller, on Elizabeth Savile, 120

Wallington, Col., on visit to Fazakerley, with Galton, IIIB 456

`Walloping,' and its derivation, IIIB 591

Walston, Sir Charles, finds finger-prints on a Greek seal,

IIIA 174. See also Waldstein

Wanderlust, in Galton, 124, 55, 58, 120, 122, 123, 126

128, 130, 132, 134, 135, 139, 205, II 1, etc.

Ward, Dr J., letters of Galton to, 11214, IIIB 479, 493 Warming rooms, Charles Darwin's method of, IIIB 591,


Warn r, Francis, on Eugenics, IIIA 259

Warren, Samuel, and a lecture at Leamington, IIIB 536 Wasps, work on, IIIA 312

Watson, Rev. H. TV., and Galton's wave machine, 11 529

53; work of, IIIB 486; on the extinction of surnames.

11 341-343, IIIB 461

Watson, Dr Spence, Galton's visits to, II 103, 393; and

the widow of the Sheriff of Wazan, UP 510

Watt, James, copying machine of, IIIB 580

Watts, G. F., Galton's appreciation of pictures of,

IIIB 583

Wave Ifn-pine, Galton's invention of, 11 51, 52 Wavell, Mrs W., assistance from, 1 viii

Wax, in the ear, Galton prescribes for, IIIB 464 Wealth, evils of inherited, 1183, 118; misuse of, 11 154;

and social stability, II 113

Weather, charts, origin of, II 41-43; preparation of,

II 42; problems concerning, II 54-58; proposals for

posting up at the Meteorological Office, information

regarding, IIIB 481

Webb, Jonas, breeder of Southdown sheep, statue to,

at Cambridge, IIIB 463

Webb, Mrs Sidney, appreciation of Galton by, IIIA 239,


Webbed Soles, for swimming, III$ 546

Weber-Fechner Law, Galton's use of, II 227; and

Gaussian hypothesis, II 227; as source of error in

mental impressions, 11296, 297; and tests of muscular

sense, 11217, 218; model to illustrate action of, 11307 Webster, Mr, Basque scholar, IIIB 559-561 Wedderburn, pamphlet of, 11 181 Wedgwood, Hensleigh, and spiritualism, 11 66 Wedgwood, Josiah, and Dr Priestley, 144

Wee Ling, an albino Pekingese puppy, finds a home with

Galton, IIIA 391-393, 395, 397, 398, 427, 111E 600,

603, IIIA 390 Plate XXXVIII; and Confucius,

IIIA 399

Weeds, in the garden of humanity, IIIA 220

Weight, of boys in town and country schools, 11125, 126,

337; and muscular sense, 11217; maximum values of,

11 374; percentile values of, 11 376; values of, at each

rank, II 390; of British noblemen during three

generations, IIIA 136, 137

Weismann, A., letter of, to Galton, on continuity of the

germ-plasm, etc., IIIA 340, 341; medallist of Linnean

Soc., IIIA 340; hon. member of German Eugenic

Soc., IIIA 388; death of, IIIA 342

Welby, Lady, and Galton, IIIA 379, 380, IIIB 529, 584 TVeldon, W. F. R., and Galton, II 419, IIIA 239,241,318;

and Galton's School, IIIA 57; co-operation of, 11321,

322; and experiments with dice, 11405; `Biometrika'

and, IIIA 100, 243-245, 250, 281, 334; on Committee

for Measurement of Plants and Animals (or Evolu

tion Committee), IIIA 126, 127, 287, 288, 290, 291;

early correlations determined by, IIIB 483, 484; some

work of, IIIA 126, 127, 251, 259, 279; on farm for

experimental breeding, IIIA 134, 135; letters of,

IIIA 285, IIIB 542; correspondence of, with Galton,

III11 483, 484, 525-527, 535, 540-542, 561; death of,

IIIA 280, 291, 292, IIIB 568-570; characteristics of,

IIIA 282; eloge on, IIIA 281, 285, 287, 289, 301;

memorial to, IIIA 281, 284-286, 291; portraits of,

IIIA 282. See also Weldon Memorial

Weldon, Mrs, work of, on mice, IIIA 315, 360

Weldon Memorial, IIIA 127, 224, 281, 284-286, 291, 297,

315, 328, 333

Wellington, army of, IIIB 555

Wells, H. G., on Eugenics or stirpiculture, IIIA 259; on

methods of improving the human race, IIh 259, 260 Welsh, finger-prints of the, IIIA 193 Wen, inheritance of a, IIIA 375 West Indian Islands, excess of females in, 11 337 Westcott, Bishop, Hon. Fellow of Trinity College, IIIA 236,


Westermarcle, E., chairman at Galton's lecture on

marriage restrictions, IIIA 266, 268, 269

Westmacott, bas-reliefs of, for Royal Exchange, 1189 Wetherby, studbook of, IIIA 96

Whaley, home of Hubert Galton, sketch of, I 48

Plate XXIX

Wheatstone, Sir G., Galton on, 11 208

Wheler, Elizabeth Anne, Galton's `Sister Bessie,' on the

birth and childhood of Galton, I 63-6.5, 82; early

letters of Galton to, 195-97, 110, 111, 116-120, 159;

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