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Proficiency, and practice, 11372, 373

Profiles, identification by, II 304, 306, 324, 326-; of Greek girl from a gem, 11309 formula' for, 11 309; indexing of, 11304, 323-328, 'MA 325, 326; Galton'.s collection of, II 323, 324; racial, II 324; resemblance of, in relatives, II 309, 310, 324; Galton working on, IIIB 578, 602, 605. See also Silhouettes

Progenitors, value of life-histories of, II 302, 303; knowledge of, in'`Kantsaywhere,' MA 415, 422

Propaganda, and scientific research, II1-A 371, 372, 379; needs and difficulties of, -IIIA 407, 408; Galton's methods of, MA 412   -

Pryor, collection of silhouettes of, IIIB 580

Psychical, measurements and normal curve, 11 90, 91; in schools, II 344; characters, ranking of, II 351; measure of strength of resemblance in, IIIA 89

Psychological, investigations of Galton, II 211-282; papers, English and Continental, 11 213

-Psychologists, and the correlation of ranks, 11 393

Psychology, experimental, and Galton, II 211-213; of the herd, 1173, 74

Psychometric, instruments devised by Galton, 11 215228; observations and experiments of Galton,11228248

Psychomerry, definition of, 11 233

Psycho-Physics, 11 229; science of, 11307

Public Opinion, power of, MA 352,367; instability of,

IIIA 321, 404

Pull, strength of,11374, 376

`Punch,' drawing in, MA 335, 375, 376; on `the squeeze of 86,' 11 375

Punishments,; legal, result of Florence Nightingale's queries on, 11 417


Pure' Breed, MA 76, 77

'Pure-Line' hypothesis, II 171, IIIA 10, 11, 58, 221 Purkenje, work of, on finger-prints, MA 141, 143, 161,

174, 179, 184; standard patterns of, IIIA 179

Plate IX

Pursuits, and early interests of Galton, 168, 69, 71, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 85, 90, 101, 109, 111

Quagga taint, 1 1159

Quakers, and Galton ancestry, 19, 11, 27-49, 59, 74; persecutions of, I 31, 32, 34-38; and commercial enterprise, 132-40, 46; Samuel Galton disowned by, 145

Quartiles, Galton's definition of, II 338; Galton's use of, IIIA 51, 54, 55, 422; and standard deviations, 1 1339

`Quedley, meaning of, IIIA 325, 326

`Questions of the Day and of the Fray,' 11 27

Quetelet, and Galton, 1112,and Florence Nightingale, 11414, 418; `mean man' of, 11295; and composite portraits, 1 1297; and application of mathematics to social phenomena, IIIA 1; and the normal curve, II 90; on expectation and realisation, etc., II 418; achievements of, 11420; `Letters on Probabilities' of, 1189,335

Quincunx, Galton's, IIIA 9, 10, 63

Rabbits, and experiments on pangenesis; II 156-169, 174-177

Race, Galton's definition of, IIIA 84, 85; improvement of, IIIA 233-235, 241,. 242, 252, 253, 355 (see also under Eugenics); survival of, 11 82, 83; extinction of, II 264; selection and, II 120, 263; influence of man upon, 11 264

Races, inequalities of, II 32, 33, 106-109, IIIA 252; mental peculiarities of, II 88; innate character and intelligence of different, II '352, 353; civilised and uncivilised, mental imagery in, II 239, 240; comparison of types of, IIIA 325, 326; finger-prints in

different, IIIA 139, 140, 143, 193, 194, IIIB 485, 489491; relative fertility of, IIIA 218, 219; and stirps, II 171; composite photographs of, II -290, 294

Racial mentality, and physical characters, II 301

Radiometer, of Crookes, and `spirit' influence, 11 63

Radium, Galton's interest in, Ill- 522

Ramsay, Sir W., on American science, MB 531

Ramsay, Prof. W. M., honour conferred on, IIIB 494

Banded (Randall or Randle!), Sergeant, at Galton's anthropometric laboratory, II 378, hUB 489; injury to, and finger-prints of, MA 154

Ranking, Galton's method of, 11 236; and mental imagery, II 238; of psychical characters, 11 351; and the ogive curve, 11335

Banks, theory of, II 337, applications of, II 389-391; correlation' of, Il>393, MA 3

Rats, experiments on, II 166,167176; and rat-catchers, IIIB 532-534, 548

Rawson, Sir B.. W., and International Statistical Institute, 11 897

Ray,' Mrs, Galton meets, MB 593

Rayleigh, Lord, chairman of Roy. Soc. Committee on Colour-blindness, II 227, Karl Pearson writes to, on the. trusteeship of the Weldon Medal, IIIA 285, 286; Hon. Fellow of Trinity College, IIIA 236, 238;.re-markable head of, IIIA 248; presidential address of, IIIA 301; on possibility of the. earth losing her atmosphere, IIIB 470; a Copley medallist, IIIA 431, , .: MB 614

Reaction Time, instrument for determining, II 219, 220, IIIB 514; classification on basis of, 1 1229; measurement of, II 277, 278, 359

`Reader, The,' and Galton, II 67-69; supporters of, II 68

`Recessive,' discussion of term, MA 337 'Record of Family Faculties: and Life History Album,'

111 363-370

Recreations of Galton, changing with age, IIIA 353

Rede Lecture, Galton's, 11268, 270, 271, IIIB 473

Register, national, proposed by Galton, II 120-122; general, of the insane, IIIA 365, 366; biographical, 11355, IIIA 264 (the `Golden Book') .

Registrators, for anthropometric data, Galton's pocket, 11 340, 341

Regression, first idea of, MA 6-11, 13; coefficient of, IIIA 25, 47; and correlation, MA 50; and progression, IIIA 58; and selection, II 221, 263; in Galton's sweetpea experiments, IIIA 6, 7,13; nature of, illustrated by quinounx, IIIA 9; and heredity in stature of man, MA 11-34; and the generant, IIIA 20; establishment of breeds and, MA 31; law of, 1 179, IIIA 46; and stability of types, IIIA 46; evolution and, IIIA 48; formula for multiple, II 54, 55; Galton's fallacious reasoning regarding, IIIA 23, 24, 58, 61, 76, 78-80, 82 84, 86, 87, 93, 94,170

Regression Line, Galton reaches his first, IIIA 3, 4; determination of slope of, from contour lines of correlation table, IIIA 13, 14, 52; of offspring on midparent for stature, IIIA 13; earliest published, IIIA 24

Rehoboth, Galton remembered at, 1223

Reid, Mr, photographs horses for Galton, IIIB 506, 507. [N.B. It has now been ascertained that all the negatives of these were destroyed byhim afterprinting]

Reid, Archdall, and inheritance of tuberculosis, IIIA 260

Relations, average number of,. IIIA 390, 391, 396, 397

Religion, widening of Galton's views on the function of, I 207, 208; and science, n 147, 151, 152, 261; and Eugenics, II 249, 267, MA 265, 272-274; and the public conscience, IIIA 267; and celibacy, IIIA 269; and national stability, IIIA- 88; early training and,

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