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d'Abbadie, Antoine, number forms of, II 206

Abbot, Rev. J., coaches Galton in mathematics, 1101, 103

Aberfeldy, Galton joins reading party at, 1168, 169

Aberystwith, summer holidays at, 182

Ability, correlation of, with physical and moral characters, IIIA 248; definition of, IIIA 121; in divines, 11 101; in dukes, IT 93; and eminence, II 91, 92, 104, IIIA 116; and environment, IIIA 112, 116; and fertility, II 94, 96; Galton's veneration for, II 94; inheritance of, II 104-106, 128, 141, 151, IIIA 102, 103, 108-113, 114-121, 347, 348; inheritance of, and Upper House of Legislature, IIIA 32-34; and insanity, IIIA 32; legal, 11 93; measurement of, by reputation, 11 89, 92; and power of mental imagery, 11 243; need of, in our civilisation, II 108, 109, 112, 113; and the normal curve, II 90, HIE 623; and physique, II 94, 128; of various races, II 106-109; rarity of, II 89, 90; scientific, in father and son, 11 97; and size or shape of head, II 94, IIIA 247-249; and success, IIIA 111, 112, 116; tests of, by examination, IIIA 232; transmission of, through male and female, IIIA 108, 109, 118. See also Able Men, Civic Worth, Genius, Intelligence

Able Men, individuality of, IIIA 32; parentage of, IIIA 27; wives of, IIIA 32

Abney, Capt., Sec. to Roy. Soc. Committee on Colourblindness, II 227; his rotating cylinder for tinttesting, IIIA 308

Aborigines, Galton on, II 264, 265

Abrahams, amongst Galton ancestry, 138, 39 Abyssinia, model of, II 34

Accidents, to Galton, 1116,1179 IIIA 316, IIIB 582 Achard, number forms of, 11 205

Acquired Characters, inheritance of, II 147, 148, 169, 170,

173, 174,182-184,1869 111A 57, 59,129-132, 335,374;

Dr Erasmus Darwin and, 11 202

Acton, Lord, Hon. Fellow of Trinity College, IIIA 236,


Actuaries, Galton on, IIIB 589. See also Insurance Offices Adrian, Prof., coaches Galton in Giessen, 1128 `Adult elements,' in genetic scheme of offspring,, IT .172 Ady, Mrs (Julia Cartwright), books of, IIIB 546, 547 Aesthesiometer, tests on men and women with, II 222 Aesthetic training, Miss Hertz on, IIIB 469

Africa, discoveries in, II 25-27, 30, 31; Galton's ex

plorations in, I 214-240; Galton's diaries, etc. in

Galton Laboratory, I 216, 217; and the Chinaman,

IT 33; and the Negro, II 32; trade products of, IT 31 African Discoverers, memorial to, suggestions regarding,

II 25, IIIB 588

Age, disadvantages in advanced, IIIA 318; at death of

various classes, 11 116; of parents and fertility, 11408,

409, 410; of parents and vigour of offspring, 11348,

349; slowing down of functions with, IIIA 301; and

youth, IIIA 318. See also Longevity

Agility, measurement of, II 358

Agnetti, Dr, activities of, in Italy, THE 541 Agnosticism, and Galton, II 102, IIIA 424, 435 Agrippina, wife of Claudius, portrait of, and composite,

11 296 Plate XLIII

Ague, Galton has, at Tripoli, 1204

Ailments, minor, Galton's list of, II 365

Air, possibility of its flying off earth, IIIB 470 Airy, Sir G. B., hereditary traits in, 11 208

Albinism, in dogs, IIIA 356, 357, 389; Pearson's lectures

on, MA 360; memoir on, IIIA 345, 390, 425, 430;

Mendelian rules and, IIIA 388; and mulattoes,

IIIA 370; in orchids, IIIA 370

Albumen, and digestion, 1111 1461

Alcoholic parents, children of, IT 148, IIIA 398, 405-407 Alcoholism, experiments to show effect of, on offspring,

in mice, II 139, 140; and insanity, II 148, IIIA 398;

and impregnation, II 139

Aldershot, Galton's teaching of art of camp-life at,

11 14-18

Alexander, Sir J. E., travels of, in Africa, 1214, 215 Alexander the Great, composite portraits of, 11295, 296


Alexis, the mesmeriser, Galton sees, 1190

Ali (Gallon's dragoman), 1200, 203; death of, 1197, 203,

IIIB 454 Plate XLV

Alix, work of, on finger-prints, IIIA 142, 143, 161 Allardyce, connected with Galton's Barclay ancestry,


Allbutt, Clifford, appreciation of Galton, IIIB 617, 618 Allowance, given to the young Galton, 1154, 155 Alma Mater, and Englishmen, IIIA 237, 238 Altazimuth, designed by Galton, II 50

Alveolar Point, use of, in composite portraiture, 11 294 Amari, Weldon presents Galton with works of, IIIB 526 America, and Galton, IIIA 235, 243, IIIB 509; Eugenics

in, MB 613; number forms and colour associations

from, II 240

American Indian, disappearance of the, IIIA 219 Analytical Power, and imagination in men of science,

11 98

Ancestors, of man, IT 85; direct of Francis Galton, 110;

distinguished distant, IT 364; contributions of indi

vidual, IIIA 58; and individuals, IIIA 60, 61 Ancestral Heredity, law of, II 84, IIIA 40 14, 60, 240, 251,

IIIB 503. See also Heredity, Law of ancestral Ancestry, of Francis Galton, I 5-61, Pedigree Plates,

pockets at ends of Vols. I and IIIA. Importance of

knowledge of, II 302, 303

Andannanese Skull, composite of, 11 288 Plate XXXIII Andersson, with Galton on African journey, 1218-220,

222-224, 226, 231-239; in Africa after the journey,

1240; death of, 1240

Anemometer, devised by Galton, II 44

Angina pectoris, deaths in Darwin family from, IIIB 552 Anglo-Saxon, ability of the, IT 106-108, IIIA 252-253 Animals, hearing of, IT 216; photographic measurement

of, IT 317, 318, 320-323

`Annals of Eugenics,' start of, IIIA 363

Ansell, his ' Statistics of Families,' 11128, 129 Antecedents, of scientific men, 1 1177

Anthropological Institute, and Galton, IT 182, 184, 188,

206, 334, 337, 361, 383. Galton's presidential addresses

to, 1 1396-398, IIIA 30; papers sent to, IIIA 11, 12, 27;

Mr Faulds' letter on finger-prints sent to, II 195,

IIIA 143

Anthropological Theory, of Max Milller, IT 274 Anthropologist, special task of the, 11 387

Anthropology, and Galton, 11 4, 7, 13, 31, 32, 35, 62;

Galton's early researches in, II 70-130; statistics in

the service of, II 334-348, IIIA 57; and anthropo

metry, II 380; and Eugenics, IIIA 226, 227; in

Japan, II 397



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