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588   Life and Letters of i rancis Galton

room and a beautiful little garden round it, to the place. His religious life has been in rough waters. At first a clergyman, then throwing off what he felt to be"the trammels of orthodoxy, and now calm and sympathetic to all creeds. Just after my own heart! Best loves to you all.

Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON.

I am rejoiced to find that my book pleases the Butler family. It was a difficult task to write about them without gush and yet appreciatively.

42, RUTLAND GATE, S.W. October 24, 1908.

DEAREST MILLY, Henceforth please address to me at "The Meadows, Brockham Green, Betchworth S.O., Surrey." This is the correct address of Brockham Green according' to the Postal Guide; "Dorking" does, but it involves delay. We are packed up ready to go on Monday, taking such a lot of things, but four months is a long absence. How wonderfully well you get on with birds. I take bread with me in my arm-chair into the park, and feed pigeons and sparrows, but they are tame and easily attracted. I send a Nature herewith. The Address begins on p. 645. The book continues to be reviewed very favourably. The Times had a careful review in its Literary Supplement last Friday. Possibly some of the weeklies may be down on it to-day. I must go to the Club to see. As soon as we get to the `° Meadows" I shall recommence the work I was at when with you at Edymead, about " Resemblance," and expect to be at it a good deal this winter, which, with some Eugenics, will keep me busy most of the time. How very bright much of Fraulein Schmidt is. It is rather too protracted, so I skipped a good deal and read the end. How those of this German middle-class who read her must hate her. What a handsome gentlemanly-looking man, judging from his portrait in the Graphic, the fourth son of,._ the Kaiser must be, who is just married. This coming cold is formidable. Fortunately the "Meadows" is particularly well supplied with warm water and various cosinesses. Did you happen to hear of the military mayor of some small town in France and his interpretation of the order from his Governor to make all ready for an impending attack of cholera? The Sanitary Inspector called to see what he had done. It was confined to digging a big trench for the expected dead people. He was highly pleased with his work, saying of the cholera, "Je l'attends, pied ferme." I am sorry and glad, both at the same time, at leaving London. Love to Amy and to Guy, if he is with you. Ever affectionately, FRANCIS GALTON.

Eva sends her love also. Sheis very well, occupied and happy.


MY DEAR LEONARD DARWIN, Your letter was grateful. We are planted here for the winter. In my Memories, p. 204, 1 say something about Speke's memorial in Kensington Gardens, and I am now sending a letter to Keltie which I have asked him to lay before Council, asking that a Committee may be appointed to consider a report on the question. If you think well of the idea, perhaps you will help its furtherance. Will you?

Re Sven Hedin. He arrived at Simla in tatters and was made the guest there of my wife's nephew, Monty Butler, who clothed him out of his own wardrobe and made him presentable

at once! Very sincerely yours, FRANCIS GALTON.


MY DEAR LEONARD DARWIN, You have indeed appointed a powerful Committee in which the artistic taste of the Harry Johnstons will he most helpful. As regards funds, I am prepared to give quite £100, as the object has long been a hobby of mine, if the design seems to me appropriate, and not too grand, and if I can do it anonymously, without ostentation. Your suasion about my giving a copy of my book to the R.G.S. is irresistible and I have instructed Methuen (the publisher) to do so, as soon as the 2nd edition is published.

Ever sincerely yours, FRANCIS GALTON.


DEAREST MILLY, I trust that by now Edymead is quite off your hands for at least 32 years. You will all be desirous to hear the doctor's report of Bob. Lady Galton is again downstairs, but I should fear not permanently recovered. We heard from Evelyn Cunliffe, who returns to her home near here to-day.

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