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1"I'd, XXJ'11

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1234S.7 SPA


I lit k my Lucy twW the summer WI#A& the bkom of spring &taysz MUMS fled we can't recover :

F-MUCMS Of th'VyOUWL4 (Jay&.' I fs then survey that beauty,,,..


rich fo soon MBt pals MAY

T-7   A&   C


ort"d to every dury,;,-~-,r:

Thart a charm wdl Tic'er dccay,,,

LUCY Bjrjay 117 SP pt M4=amn

And me Woqm oi

L"CY os+w`r tky



1,1141tou'l-apil, (lf Lllvv Hvlrda~   In -IoN ill-'r fielr pro-vilco ;it   Iwil

-VX011 rat, 4d a-"v.   I,, ille MS. Iii y 1'f I'l-wivi,   thi, -:11111,1ol. %s;t- nlwkcd at the --'othic v%illdlm ',lith 'Ijlittf•r~ Ill[ the 61-t tour -oo Plate XXIII). awl he --ko, a kotoh o' the reri- ilt'i(le the %%liene hi, --raildinothol -A. A palle ,I' _la- I'l-okpil 1)y her chi-eau) ta-k i ;I- till Imilltell lilt ill 18: ;! l.

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