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travel, , ; advantages 2 to obtain information, 2; _conditions of failure and success, 4; the leader, 4; servants, 5.

Presents for savages, 12.

Preserving food, 193, 298.

Pricker for gun-nipples, 245.

Prisoners, to secure, 327; punishment,


Pulity, 325.

Pump, 236.

Puna (effect of high mountain air), 29. Punishment, 309.

Punt of hide, 95 ; of tin, 99. Putrid water, 225.

Pyrites, 174.

Qualifications for a traveller, i. Quicksilver, to harden lead, 248.

Quills, to prepare, 330 ; to carry letters,

304; to hold minute specimens, 333. Quinine, 14, 16.

Radiation chill, 132.

Rae, Dr., 192, 225.

Rafts and boats 88 -Rafts of wood,

88; of bamboo, ~9; floating power of' woods, 89; burning down trees, 9o, 145; rafts of reeds, go; of hide, 91; of gourds (17alcd a), 9,; rude boats, 92; sailing, 92; log canoe, 93; of three planks, 93 ; inflatable indiarubber, 94; of basket, 94; of reed or fibre, 95 ; of hide, 95 ; corracle and skin punt, 95; bark boat and canoe, 97; tin boat, 99; boats, well built, of various materials, ioz; boating gear, 203 ; boat building, 105 ; boat Management, 105; awning, io7.-(See also " Boats.")

Rain, to catch, 223.

Ramrod, 238; to replace, 2;9; probing with, for water, 213 ; broken ramrod tubes, 239

Rank birds, to prepare for eating, zoo. Rarefied air, 19.

Rarey, Mr., 55.

Rate of movement, to measure, 32; of swimming, 82 ; theory of load, and rate of travel, 54,

Rations, 192, r4,, of water, 226.

Raw meat, 201 ; as an antiscorbutic, 20. Reconnoitring arid lands, 305. Reeds, for rafts, go; mats, 147; huts

and fences, 142; to weave, t4-; for

pens, 330; as a cache, 301 (see

" Bamboo").

Reel, substitutes for, 270.

Reflectors, to light tinder, 172 ; of sun

for a signal, 277. Remedies, 14.

Resin, ;38.

Retreat, hurried, 317, 23.


Richardson, Sir J., 194; Mr., io2. Rifle, 237 (see Guxs and RIFLLS). Right angle, to lay out, 37. Rings fur saddle, 66, 73.

Rivers, to cross, 107 (see FORDS and

BRIDGE'S); their banks are bad roads,


Road, to mark, 289; plank-road, 1o9;

lost road, 295.

Rob R,,y canoe, 202.

Roi,bers, 168 (see " Thieves "). Robbiboo, 195.

Rock, a reservoir of heat at night, 138

magnetism of, 284. Rockets, 247, 312.

Roe of fish, as food, 299.

Roofs, 133, 149,

Ropes, for de_c.nding cliffs, 44; Alpine,

47; of she-,tin g. 44; of b.,rx, 344 (see

Cottn, STRING, Th Re:nn) ; tying a pri

soner, 327.

Rudd(2r, 104,

Rum ford, t.ount, t22. Running. with horses, 317.

Rushes (see " Reeds "), fur chairs, 27 o. Rust, 238.

Sack, 153 (see " Bag").

Saddle, 65i packsaddle, 68; saddle as

pillow, 229; saddl.i bags, 66; as

screens against win l, 134.

Sails to raft, 92, 104; s,,il-tent, 207. Salt, 297 ; giver, to cattle, i6, 61 ; salt

lick,, 253 ; salt meat, 194; to make

194, 196 ; to salt hides, 343 ; to Pre

Pare salt meat for cooking, 208 (see

"Sea-eater "),

Saltpetre, 181, 297 ; for gunpowder, 247. Sand, sleeping in, 238 ; to pitch tents or

pick..t horses in, 154; ripple marks on,

give sigh of d.rection, 288; used in

rais,ng a sarcophagus, 323. Sarcophagus, raised by sand, 323.

Savages, management of, 308.

GIneral remarks, 308; bush laws,

308; to enable a savage to keep count,

310; drawing lots, 310.

Saw mark, 303. Scarecrow, 250, 254.

Scent of human touch, 262. Schlagintwveit, H., 20.

Science, prepara ory information in, 2. Scorpion sting, 21.

Scurvy, 20.

Sea-bird, as food, Zoo.-Sea- water, wet

ting with, a remedy for thirst, 2,12 ;

a remedy for damp through rain, 120;

to distill, 221.-S a-weed as fuel, 184;

as food, 203 ; as fodder, 65 ; as string,

344; to make gum, 332; its ashes,


Seeds wetted, expansive force of, 323,

230, 2#4.