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Nails, substitutes for, 336, ro5. Napoleon I., on bivouac, 130, 153. Natives, 308 (see " Savages "), Navy (British) diet, 191. Needles, 345, 114.

Neighing, 56, 316.

Nets, z7z.

Nettle as food, 202.

Niger, expedition to, 16.

Night, to follow a track by, 289; shoot

ing, 251; night glass, 262; compass,


Nocturnal animals, 251 Nooses, 263, 268.

Notes, to keep, 26.

Notices to another party, 303. Number of a party, 5 ; to camps, 155. N unn, W. & Co., 217.

Nutritive elements of food, J8g.

Oakum, for bedding, 126.

Observations, numb r required, 30; to

procure calculation of, 3,3. Occultations, telescopes for, 30.

Oil (olive) to refine, 238 (see "Grease "). Ointment, 15.

Opera glass as a night glass, 262, 313;

supplies a burning lens, 112 ; and a

lens to condense light, 281. Ophthalmia, 17.

Organising an Expedition, 5.

Best size for party, 5 ; servants' engagement, 6 ; women, 7.

Osborn, Captain Sherard, R.-INT., 328.

Ostrich eggs, to carry, 228.

Oswell, Mr. NV. C., 114.

Otter, 211 ; fisherme,'s board, 271. Outfit, 9. --Stores for general use, 9 ;

for individual use, ii ; presents and

articles for payment, 12; summary,

13 ; means of transport, 13-Outfit of

medicine, 14; Alpine gear, 47; sewing

materials, 114.

Outline forms for calculations, 29 ; for the log-book, 28.

Outrigger, to balance canoes, q3 ; irons

for oars, 104.

nvampo camp-fires, 188. Ovens, 206.

Owen, Professor. 251.

Ox, 58 ; for stalking, 252 ; ox-gall, 331, 120.

Paces, length of, 34 ; to measure rate of travel by, 32.

Pack saddles, 68; kegs for, 231 ; art of packine,

Padlock to a-buckled strap, 73. Paillasse, 125.

Paint, 292; to paint cattle, 64; paintbrush, 330.

Palanquin, 81 (see " Litter,"


Palisades, 145, 90.


Palliser, Captain J., 96, 220, 250, 253,


Pan-hunting, 253.

Paper, 328; warmth of, in coverlet, 128. Parbuckling, 324.

Parchment, 346.

Park, Mungo, 6, 56, 58, 257, 308, 310. Parkyns, Mansfield, Mr., 21, J19, 244,


Party, to organise, 5 (see ORGANISING


Paste, 332.

Patch to a water-bag, 229. Path, lost, 295.

Patterans (tipsy marks by road), 291. Paunch of dead animal, water in, 228. Payment, articles of, 12. Peal, Mr., 218.

Peat, 184.

Pegs, tent, 154; to secure tent ropes,

163 ; for hooks, 171. Pemmican, 194.

Pencils, 330, 26, 27.

Pendulum, 42.

Pens, 330. Percussion caps, 244. Pereira, Dr., 199.

Picketting hors:s in sand, 74. Picture writing, 304. Pillow, 129.

Pitch, 338.

Pitching a tent, 163. Pitfall, 264, 312.

Pith for tinder, 184; f )r hats, 112. Plaids in bivou-hc in heather, 139; wet

ted, in wind, 127.

Pi nhs, to sew togeth^r, 105 (see Tis1

Rrha) ; plank-roads, Jog.

Poaching devices, 262 (see GAME, OTHER

MEANS, &c.).

Poison, for beasts.. 265; for fish, 2-12; for stakes in pitfalls, 264, for arrows, 267; for bullets, 266; s,jake bites, 21 ; suspicion of poi-on, 199; poisonous plaut:,, 202 ; ant,dotes to poison, 18.

Pole fur tent. 166 ; pole and bucket, 236; pole star, 42, 286.

Pon, he, 117.

Portable food, 191-193.

Porters for instruments, 24; of provisions for &pdts, 305.

Pottery, 348-Glaze for, 349; clay, 348; pets for stores and ca:hes, 348. -Pot fur cooking, 203 ; to mend, 203; suh1stitut^ for, 204; baking in, 208; distilling from, 222.

Powder, 246 (see "Gunpowder ").

Prairie on fire, 314.

Precautions against poison, 199; malaria, J7; unwholesome water, 224; thieves, 168

Preparatory Inquiries, i.-Qualifi

cations for a traveller, i ; dangers of

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